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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Ps3 missing out on AAA games do to difficulty of development. What a shame.

Wow, you are a tough cookie... Think you got your point through this time? ie you have way too much time on your hands.

And oh, nice mistake in the thread title... Spend more time in school than on the internet please!

Elaine: I will never understand people

Jerry: They're the worst.

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I thinking some of these developers are Full of shit and lazy. they get payed to make games and learn each system to get the most out of them. Systems are not always gonna be easy to develop for like say xbox360. But, its their job to spend the extra time to find how a system works. In the end, the gamers will lose out. Konami didn't complain making MGS4 for PS3, instead they adapted. I guess developer's dont wanna lose blood,swear, and tears anymore.

reptile168 said:
very sad, ps3 owners are missing out on yet another great 360 exclusive. *hides in a corner crying*

I guess people really get off watching me kick ass, either that or the ps3 fanboys are feverishly taking notes on how to kick the 360-fanboy's ass.  Anyway, @reptile168 you're just a parrot and a very sad one at that.

lazyrider said:
Wow, you are a tough cookie... Think you got your point through this time? ie you have way too much time on your hands.

And oh, nice mistake in the thread title... Spend more time in school than on the internet please!

That confirms it, 360 fanboys don't know anything.  If you have a job with computers you'd know that more than 90% of what people do with computers is to surf teh interwebs.  Oh and, stay in school.

code.samurai said:
lazyrider said:
Wow, you are a tough cookie... Think you got your point through this time? ie you have way too much time on your hands.

And oh, nice mistake in the thread title... Spend more time in school than on the internet please!

That confirms it, 360 fanboys don't know anything.  If you have a job with computers you'd know that more than 90% of what people do with computers is to surf teh interwebs.  Oh and, stay in school.

I was actually taliking to the OP (Max), as he had to re-start this same thread twice...

But hey, happy to help, don't let that anger bottle up inside, let it go.


Elaine: I will never understand people

Jerry: They're the worst.

Around the Network
lazyrider said:
code.samurai said:
lazyrider said:
Wow, you are a tough cookie... Think you got your point through this time? ie you have way too much time on your hands.

And oh, nice mistake in the thread title... Spend more time in school than on the internet please!

That confirms it, 360 fanboys don't know anything.  If you have a job with computers you'd know that more than 90% of what people do with computers is to surf teh interwebs.  Oh and, stay in school.

I was actually taliking to the OP (Max), as he had to re-start this same thread twice...

But hey, happy to help, don't let that anger bottle up inside, let it go.



 looks like you're the angry one. I restarted the thread once because the first one said god damn it in the title.

lazyrider said:
code.samurai said:
lazyrider said:
Wow, you are a tough cookie... Think you got your point through this time? ie you have way too much time on your hands.

And oh, nice mistake in the thread title... Spend more time in school than on the internet please!

That confirms it, 360 fanboys don't know anything.  If you have a job with computers you'd know that more than 90% of what people do with computers is to surf teh interwebs.  Oh and, stay in school.

I was actually taliking to the OP (Max), as he had to re-start this same thread twice...

But hey, happy to help, don't let that anger bottle up inside, let it go.

You know what I always say, interwebs is for jamming a rusty knife right into the cranium of an unsuspecting forumer at the exact point of ecstacy.  Pure bliss.


I find it funny that AAA and THQ are in the same post.

Even at sarcasm, it's still hurtful to poor AAA.

THQ??? When was their last AAA game???

4 ≈ One

Dgc1808 said:
THQ??? When was their last AAA game???

Saints row and Saitns row 2 were great. de Blob is the only good Wii game this holiday season. WWE wrestling games have been pretty steady for the last few years. Frontlines Fuel of War was excellent back in February.

These may not be high profile "AAA" games like Gears and Metal Gear but the company is doing good work.