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Forums - Sony Discussion - What do you think PS3 sales numbers would be right now, if...

would be in at least 2nd place, maybe 1st. but without blu ray and cell in the ps3, MGS4 wouldn't have been as hott as it is now

also to note- Without Blu ray on ps3, we all would be buying HD-DVD because it was winning cause it was a lot cheaper. ps3 made the difference in the format war

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The only good thing you mentioned about it there was that it would start at retail at 299 and come with BC.

I'm not sure how the difficulty for development really plays this much of a factor because the Wii is probably the most difficult of the platforms to develop an amazing game for (look at their upcoming lineup).

In any case if your idea was real I think PS3 would have gotten destroyed by the Wii in a similar fashion as we see today. It would be ahead of 360 right now but at the HUGE cost of giving you a half assed item. I'm a lot happier with my blu ray and cell.

I can only tell they would have one less sale - mine.



PS3 would be king sh*t of Fu*k Mountain


and Sony would be broke.

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"if" thread.... yaaawwwnn...

It would have sold much more than now. Didn't you know that before you posted this?

this thread seems farmiliar...has there been one like this before?

Well it would be first place by a mile

Id rather have a good selling PS3 with those components than an amazing selling PS3 without them

40M+ Right now... but I like the current PS3.....

4 ≈ One

40 million. Wii at 25m and Xbox360 15 million. Xbox360 would be completely dead in Japan and almost dead in Europe. Wii would not sell so well (better than Gamecube) because most PS2 owners and casual would go for PS3. And most game that exclusive for PS2 will still remain PS3 exclusive. But Sony will lose their HD format war. The only reason why Sony put Blu Ray into PS3 is because of their HD format war with Toshiba's HDDVD.