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Forums - Sony Discussion - What do you think PS3 sales numbers would be right now, if...

...this had ocurred:

- PS3 doesn´t have Blu-Ray and Cell, ships with a regular (though improved) DVD drive and a far easier architecture for developers  to work with.

- Manages to retail for $299 since the beginning

- Launches in Japan in March 2006

- Launches in the rest of the world November 2006 (no Europe delay or anything)

- PS2 BC isn´t canned


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9,293,573,245,693 sold at Japan launch.

Seriously, it would have done a lot better.

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It would be in first place, of that I'm quite sure.

(Former) Lead Moderator and (Eternal) VGC Detective

Much better than 360. Hell, id buy it...

However you forget that its mostly about the games. Those things alone dont mean shit if PS3 has the same software drought for the first 6 months and nothing to counter Halo 3 with for almost 2 years after launch.

It would be the WiiStation 360 and would have sold better than the bible.

Happy? what kind of question is this anyway?, it is like asking:

"What if Hitler was not A insane mass murder, and instead more like wonder woman in Personalty, also he could fly!what would history be like With that in mind, hmm?"

That is right i just compared the PS3 to Hitler.

I need coffee, or I would have been nicer, sorry

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Over 40 million .


Ahead of the 360, behind the wii

I hope my 360 doesn't RRoD
         "Suck my balls!" - Tag courtesy of Fkusmot

It would have sold dramatically more units, primarily at the expense of the XBox 360 ...

It would have fared better due to reduced price, but it would lose part of it´s appeal. I know I would stick to my Ps2... But one costumer lost to 4 gained is a good business, I think.





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Like 40 million right now.