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Forums - PC Discussion - The lack of Empire: Total War fanboyism in this site is appaling.

Console players generally don't play PC games - that's why they're not interested. Even if they play PC games, they only play the casual stuff: Call of Duty and such (I'm calling it casual because it's a very simple game after all).

And I? Well, I liked Rome but I just HATE the 19th century.

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When I hear "casual PC gaming" i think WOW


Zkuq said:
Console players generally don't play PC games - that's why they're not interested. Even if they play PC games, they only play the casual stuff: Call of Duty and such (I'm calling it casual because it's a very simple game after all).

And I? Well, I liked Rome but I just HATE the 19th century.

Lucky it's 18th century then! It starts in the early 1700s


For those of you who prefer turn based stategies, you can play Empire Total War like that. In the main campaign, just stick to controlling your forces on the main map, and in a turn based game. It is only real time on the battlefield

Senlis said:
When I hear "casual PC gaming" i think WOW


Sounds better than "watered-down-console-game" PC gaming doesn't it?

Tag(thx fkusumot) - "Yet again I completely fail to see your point..."

HD vs Wii, PC vs HD:

Why Regenerating Health is a crap game mechanic:

gamrReview's broken review scores:


My favourite of the Total War series was the original Medieval, I like the classic checker style units better than the civ clone style unit of ala 'Rome' onward.

That being said, what made Medieval 2 so awesome was the absolutely amazing amount of mod from the loving community, never has a game being so mod friendly even to total neophyte and the result are some amazing enchancements.

Empire just feels odd, mainly because it focus on the age of gunpowder, this is the last age where ancient warfare tactic are still feasible. I will still get it though :x, the only thing I missed for the series sof far is the Rome expansion.

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I'll get the game, if only to nurture my nationalism.

i agree, Empire Total War will be a big game. im getting it for sure because i love and im addicted to RTS games like total war and starcraft. these type of games i can play, and in a few years i play it again

plus i brough a pc with a build in NVIDA 7150M graphics card, going to look sick, i be dissapointed if somehow it doesn't work for my pc

Hello? I was the first to comment on the detail page ;) This game will be awesome.

FPSrules said:

i agree, Empire Total War will be a big game. im getting it for sure because i love and im addicted to RTS games like total war and starcraft. these type of games i can play, and in a few years i play it again

plus i brough a pc with a build in NVIDA 7150M graphics card, going to look sick, i be dissapointed if somehow it doesn't work for my pc


Hmm with 7150M it might run but I  wouldn't have much hopes for sick looking and resonable framerates.


if my PC can handle it, I buy it ;))

Empire total war, daw of war 2 (tyrannid), sc2

hum ...

Time to Work !