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Forums - Gaming Discussion - What's the Worst Story in a Game IYO?

Somebody better explain to me why FFX is such a masterpiece then because I just do not get it.

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Don't think I could narrow it down to to one. Lot of games have lousy storylines, and plenty of those love to beat you over the head with it.

Top of my head Fear Effect had a really lousy story about demons and crap that rambled on and didn't make any sense untill the last disc, at which point I long stopped caring. I rescue someone's daughter from terriosts, then I'm in a village of zombies, then a whore house full of she-demons, then hell. Sadly the gameplay is so lousy the cutscenes were still the rewarding parts.

Also Perfect Dark, despite being a good game, had a really awful story as well, and it changed far too often as well. First you need to save Dr. Carol from DataDyne, then Carrington who apprently thought it was smart to take Dr. Carol somewhere that's easily ambushed, go spy on DataDnye's people, off to Area 51 to resuce an alien, then sneak on Air Force One to warn the president about a conspiracy, Air Force One crashes, kill the President's clone, go reclaim a sub-bay, find Dr. Carol in a giant alien (Different then the first two sets of aliens) ship underwater, blow the place up, get honored, get captured, go to Skedar homeworld, murder their grand high jackass warlord. Yeesh.

People saying Mario don't understand what makes a horrible story. Mario has a simplistic story that is ironclad. For what it is, it works, everytime. There are no plotholes, no confusion. Mario can even be MADE deeper with understandings of literary history and psychology.

This is for stories that go too deep for their own good. A good example would be the original Final Fantasy Tactics. The ending was needlessly depressing, for reasons that don't make sense. People being murdered and executed makes little to no sense in the context of warriors being able to STOP TIME and DEFEAT GODS. It's being pointlessly "serious" and forcedly "mature." That and the secondary villain gets away scot free with the whole kingdom. When I saw that I remembered my MST and went "SO SATAN WINS?"

Final Fantasy Tatics only has one ending?

Khuutra said:
Final Fantasy Tatics only has one ending?

Huh? Does it have more than one??

Still, it has one of the best endings I've ever seen, the fact that it's not "and they lived happily ever after" makes it so great, what happens to Olan, the scene with Delita and Ovelia (that everyone thinks he's a hero but even that doesn't bring him happiness), and even that you are not recognized as a hero but have to live as an outcast, all of that being told by a historian many years later trying to "uncover the truth" make it simply outstanding.


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I ask because I didn't play it. I have no idea. I just know the Ogre games (Battle and Tactics both) tend to have multiple endings and they're made by the same teams.

Well, you're missing out a masterpiece. As far as I'm concerned, it only has one

ItsaMii said:
MGS 2, Chrono Cross, Persona 3, Tales of Legendia, Jeanne d`Arc, Legend of Legaia, Final Fantasy 7, Final Fight Streetwise.
If I had to chose only one, it would be Chrono Cross.

Legend of Legendia was great imho.  Definitely no where near the worst.

As for me:

Breath of Fire 5: Dragon Quarter

  • 2010 MUST Haves: WKC, Heavy Rain, GoWIII, Fable III, Mass Effect 2, Bayonetta, Darksiders, FFXIII, Alan Wake, No More Heroes 2, Fragile Dreams: FRotM, Trinity: SoZ, BFBC2.
  • Older Need To Buys: Super Mario Bros. Wii, Mario Kart Wii, Deadspace, Demon's Souls, Uncharted 2.

There is definitely more to list that I want, but that's my main focus there.

I almost forgot about FF X2.  Oh man was that game awfully bad and the story, my god, the developers pulled that shit out of their asses.  

It is the only FF game I started and never finished.  Im surprised I made it past the opening concert scene though.  That shit had no place in a FF game.  It was outright atrocious. Worst RPG story Ive seen.

zexen_lowe said:
Khuutra said:
Final Fantasy Tatics only has one ending?

Huh? Does it have more than one??

Still, it has one of the best endings I've ever seen, the fact that it's not "and they lived happily ever after" makes it so great, what happens to Olan, the scene with Delita and Ovelia (that everyone thinks he's a hero but even that doesn't bring him happiness), and even that you are not recognized as a hero but have to live as an outcast, all of that being told by a historian many years later trying to "uncover the truth" make it simply outstanding.


No way.  It's ramshackle, rushed and confusing.  It seems deeps when you are an adolescent, but when you grow up and read more books, you'll see the "happily ever after" ending is actually less common and see the cheap tricks authors and directors use to feign depth.

The problem with Olan is that he can STOP TIME.  How does he get captured and burned at the stake?  Please.  And isn't he like T.G. Cid's adopted son?  Wouldn't he try to save him, and considering how powerful he is (and everybiody else, really) wouldn't they succeed?  That breaks the suspension of disbelief, Strike One. 

The scene with Delita and Ovelia is not "earned."  It's just a cheap random plot device, much like an adolescent or college film student would do to make something so it would seem "meaningful" and "deep."  Strike Two. (A lot of media and entertainment cycles go through this "rebellion" against the perceived constraints of their medium, in this case "happy endings."  But this usually results in grindhouse-style anti-endings and "Bonanza'd" explanations that don't make sense.  FFTactics has both of these.)

Just the fact that everybody in the party just got off of killing a supernatural deity with extreme powers being "outcasts" is laughable as hell.  What, did they instantaneously forget all their spells and skills?  Suspension of disbelief wrecked again.  Strike Three.

Lastly, due to all this, the Bonanza'd ending, the impobability of everything that happens afterward, and the cheap plot events that feign depth, this game literally has no rersolution.  This is just structurally bad.  Strike Four, take your base and get out.

It's ok if you like it.   But just don't trick yourself into thinking it is "deep."  It might SEEM deep in comparison, but upon further inspection and compared to better scripts, even ones that are from simpler and less "serious" material like Mario and Luigi or Dragon Quest, it's just sub-mediocre at best.  The game is driven by it's AMAZING soundtrack, which makes the bad plot seem all that more infuriating.