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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Next Zelda pretty much confirmed for 2010

Just as many predicted, the next game in the Legend of Zelda series will more than likely hit in 2010..

Miyamoto had these words to say on the matter of Zelda:


“I’m really not sure when we’ll be able to make a public announcement on that. I can’t even say if the next E3 will be the right opportunity to do so. But rest assured, our teams are working on new projects right now.”



If not at E3 then perhaps at the October conference? In which case it would be too late for a Q4 2009 release and it would be gearing up for a mid 2010 release which would make a lot of sense and actually be desirable as it gives developers longer to re-imagine Zelda properly..



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I still say 2009.

Your logic seems odd

Nintendo have become famous for ignoring the big conferences, announcing huge games at small conferences, and releasing a game within a few months of this announcment.

Your conclusion may well be right, but not for the reason you presented

I always said Retro Zelda = 2009, Zelda Wii = 2010

Tag - "No trolling on my watch!"

2010 sounds about right.

  3DS FC: 4355-9313-6815

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My logic is based on Punchout and Sin and Punishment 2

They were revealed last october and are set for Q2 releases..

How is that odd?


You assume that there are only 2 days in the year on which Zelda Wii could be announced - E3 or that October conference. Why not announce in August for a November release? 3 months between announcement and release, as with Mario Kart.

Also, he didn't say that it wouldn't be announced at E3, just that it might not be

ClaudeLv250 said:
I always said Retro Zelda = 2009, Zelda Wii = 2010

What do you mean? Theres no way they'll release a 2D Zelda now.

Valkyria00 said:
ClaudeLv250 said:
I always said Retro Zelda = 2009, Zelda Wii = 2010

What do you mean? Theres no way they'll release a 2D Zelda now.


I think he means Wiimake of Wind Waker.

MaxwellGT2000 - "Does the amount of times you beat it count towards how hardcore you are?"

Wii Friend Code - 5882 9717 7391 0918 (PM me if you add me), PSN - MaxwellGT2000, XBL - BlkKniteCecil, MaxwellGT2000

MaxwellGT2000 said:
Valkyria00 said:
ClaudeLv250 said:
I always said Retro Zelda = 2009, Zelda Wii = 2010

What do you mean? Theres no way they'll release a 2D Zelda now.


I think he means Wiimake of Wind Waker.

I think he is talking about the rumored Zelda spinoff made by Retro Studios.