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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Has Gutiar Hero Peaked in Sales?

its because its no longer the best music game. Rock Band is currently owning it in quality. World tour had to copy rock band by introducing vocals and drums just to keep up

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Hmm maybe but doing fine on Wii haha. Maybe it's just the others haha.

well to me i see the games like a lot of your see the wiisports. I played guitar hero at friends a few times and some parties and thought this was awesome and I wanted it really bad. Bought guitar hero 3 when came out.

Then after a few weeks or so got bored of it becuase I had it and could play it anytime. It lost its omg this is so cool adn fun aspect and never play it anymore. ANd will not buy another guitar hero game either, the drum and singing don't interest me. heck i have drums, piano karioke machine all at home i can mess with anyway.

And kidn of like Wiisports. It was awesome for a month or two and loved ploaying with friends, but now if like cousins over or something and they playing i ain't gonna join in, i find it boring. The only time I play either is if a few people over and drinking while bullshitting and casually play some guitar hero or bowl. But playing Brawl is a billion times funner and never gets old.


Edit: and that's what I think, all these people buying the game are like ok that was fun, kind of want my 200 dollars back though now.

I think it all peaked last year. Its too saturated now to have THOSE types of numbers, but the genre will still do good numbers.

WiiStation360 said:
If you have RB1/2 or GH:WT why would you ever buy another one?

For more songs? You can get new songs every week with DLC, plus you get to choose what they are.

For better/more instruments? People do not want two drum sets. What else can they reasonably add?

New feature? Nothing i can think of that people would want.

I think the weekly DLC devalues the newer games. If there were no DLC, people would be forced to buy the new version to get more songs.

I have Guitar Hero II (with guitar), GH III (with guitar), Rock Band 1 and 2 - both with all the instruments and Guitar Hero World Tour with the instruments.


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madskillz said:
WiiStation360 said:
If you have RB1/2 or GH:WT why would you ever buy another one?

For more songs? You can get new songs every week with DLC, plus you get to choose what they are.

For better/more instruments? People do not want two drum sets. What else can they reasonably add?

New feature? Nothing i can think of that people would want.

I think the weekly DLC devalues the newer games. If there were no DLC, people would be forced to buy the new version to get more songs.

I have Guitar Hero II (with guitar), GH III (with guitar), Rock Band 1 and 2 - both with all the instruments and Guitar Hero World Tour with the instruments.


Yea but Guitar Hero games big/huge numbers are not from core gamers but from the expanded/casual gamers.  The ones who won't buy ever iteration of the series.  Or at least both rock band 1 & 2, and guitar hero, unless they don't need to buy the new instruments all just game works with old stuff.


I expect the franchise to remain strong for a few years, perhaps even until the end of the generation. However, after a while, it will lose a lot of steam as the novelty will fade away and the market will become overcrowded and saturated. It will still sell but with far lower numbers than we have seen so far. It's a bit like what is happening with Dance Dance Revolution right now. The sales are much lower than they used to.

How many cups of darkness have I drank over the years? Even I don't know...


Aj_habfan said:
scottie said:
kjj4t9rdad said:
it is getting hurt by Wii Music which is a much better game.



Lol. Wii Music is so awesome, PS3/360/PS2 owners won't buy Guitar Hero.


Why do you think wii sales are so high :P

madskillz said:
WiiStation360 said:
If you have RB1/2 or GH:WT why would you ever buy another one?

For more songs? You can get new songs every week with DLC, plus you get to choose what they are.

For better/more instruments? People do not want two drum sets. What else can they reasonably add?

New feature? Nothing i can think of that people would want.

I think the weekly DLC devalues the newer games. If there were no DLC, people would be forced to buy the new version to get more songs.

I have Guitar Hero II (with guitar), GH III (with guitar), Rock Band 1 and 2 - both with all the instruments and Guitar Hero World Tour with the instruments.


You have a total of 5 guitars, 3 drum sets and 3 mics.  Do have an entire room dedicated to storing all of this stuff? 

I think we can all agree that you are not the average consumer.


scottie said:
kjj4t9rdad said:
it is getting hurt by Wii Music which is a much better game.



Don't kid yourself.