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well to me i see the games like a lot of your see the wiisports. I played guitar hero at friends a few times and some parties and thought this was awesome and I wanted it really bad. Bought guitar hero 3 when came out.

Then after a few weeks or so got bored of it becuase I had it and could play it anytime. It lost its omg this is so cool adn fun aspect and never play it anymore. ANd will not buy another guitar hero game either, the drum and singing don't interest me. heck i have drums, piano karioke machine all at home i can mess with anyway.

And kidn of like Wiisports. It was awesome for a month or two and loved ploaying with friends, but now if like cousins over or something and they playing i ain't gonna join in, i find it boring. The only time I play either is if a few people over and drinking while bullshitting and casually play some guitar hero or bowl. But playing Brawl is a billion times funner and never gets old.


Edit: and that's what I think, all these people buying the game are like ok that was fun, kind of want my 200 dollars back though now.