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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Nintendo! WHAT are you thinking! Get your act together! Q1 wii line-up!

psrock said:
Killergran said:
Just for a quick comparison, what games are Microsoft and Sony releasing q1 2009?


I will only mention one game. But that's all i need to mention.




That is third party which is not an issue here.


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To summarize:

White knight Chronicles (?)
Killzone 2
Deamon Soul

Halo Wars

(off the top of your heads)

This is invisible text!

Since when is RE5 a sony & microsoft title??? Never see that one happened, sony and microsoft working together... nintendo is doomed =(

Pikmin is enough for me. Never played, looking forward to it.

makingmusic476 said:
Stever89 said:

This just in - I was present at the creation of this list, whereat Nintendo signed in blood that they would not release any games besides the ones on this list during Q1. This is it guys. Don't hold your breath...

Because we all know that Nintendo said they don't reveal information about upcoming games until a few months before release, especially now, since that could take away from sales today. Well maybe a few need a reminder:

This is a public service announcement, but may be ignored by the well informed individual:

Nintendo does NOT reveal information on games until they are only a few months from being released!

End of announcement. Continue with mindless bickering.


Also, kudos to the person that noticed it was a partial list. Wow, jeez.


You do realize that Q1 ends in only 3.5 months, right?  It's a bit late to be announcing any more games "a few months before release".  :P

Well, obviously Nintendo is going by Mercury time. This means that the announcement of a game 1 Earth month ahead of release is actually in excess of 4 Mercury months. So they still have plenty of time to announce and release games within "a few months."

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Threads like this are cute haha .

I guess it's unfortunate Nintendo isn't releasing anything *new*, but I don't exactly have a shortage of games to play. I actually prefer the Wii Q1 lineup to the HD consoles (so far), it was the Q3/Q4 2008 lineup I found pretty weak. The great thing is, after this, it can only get better - the Motion plus comes, Japanese games will roll in, and we'll find out whatever Nintendo's been up to all this time.

Oh, and it does help that I have a DS now. Also, I'm a big fan of Wiiware (small download games in general), in those 3 months, who knows what we'll get.

Pokemon Platinum is enough for me, when it get released maybe I dissapear from this page for a month

I never played either of those games, so they're new to me! Will probably pick up Pikmin right away (especially at a cheap price) and maybe rent/buy the tennis game when people come over.

Besides, Nintendo is doing what you guys all said you wanted. In 2008 they released their big hitters early and everyone complained there was nothing for Q4. So they decided to be nice and delay all of their 2009 games until Q4 next year. Now everyone will be happy.

Is this final? I'm thinking they'll announce something bigger at a later date. If not, there's more than enough third-party games + those Gamecube games.