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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Nintendo! WHAT are you thinking! Get your act together! Q1 wii line-up!

I have three titles for the wii marked down, might pick up pikimin as I missed it the first time around. Right now besides Resident Evil 5 and Star Ocean, this is all my list on the current generation.

My DS list pretty decent, and a lot of titles I have yet to get that are out.


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Haven't Microsoft and Sony both had quarters where they've released zero games?

People expect too much from Nintendo.  People who only look to them for wii games are missing out.

Why would nintendo make new games that cost money and they don't need them to sell the

I am very excited about this. Wii had an amazing 4th quarter line up but the 1st quarter line up is looking good too. There are 3 games I'm interested in!


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First off - 3rd party lineup looks amazing, really. No denying that.

But otherwise I agree on many of the points. Its really weak of Nintendo to only release two remakes of old games in the 1st quarter of the year, following an insanely weak half year. I'm one of those who have always kept loyal to Nintendo (and hope to do so in the future) because Nintendo makes the best games on the market.

But "games" like WiiMusic are an absolute insult. Nintendo seem to don't give a fuck about people who kept the company afloat during the last 10 years, and instead they focus on new markets. They just released the same version of Animal Crossing for the 3rd time, and that was their big hardcore game for xmas. It's even marketed towards rich, white girls - which I guess would be insulting if I actually was interested in those kind of games. They quietly sent one of their few hardcore games of the last 6 months, Disaster,  to retail with absolutely no money put into advertising whatsoever. Fatal Frame V is still only available in Japan. Wario Land was good, but hardly a blockbuster.

Still, I'm positive to the GC-remakes because I missed out on quite a few GC-games. The point however, is that they should never replace new, original releases. Nintendo better release FFV in february as already announced, and make up for the lack of new games by releasing quality VC-games. Where is Yoshi's Island?

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I have to agree to an extent. I've always bought Nintendo's consoles first and foremost for Nintendo's games, often almost completely ignoring what third parties have to offer on the systems, but there just aren't too many Nintendo titles coming out (or at least few that interest me).

I'm not too disappointed, though. I just bought Super Paper Mario and will be buying the Thousand Year Door soon, so I'm not short on Nintendo games to play.

And I fully expect Zelda Wii to hit by the end of next year, thus making me extremely happy. :D

StarcraftManiac said:

Seriously; They announce their Q1 US/Europe line-up and THIS is it;

New Play Control! Mario Power Tennis™ - March
New Play Control! Pikmin™ - March


Ahm, everyone knows that nintendo makes room for third parties in q1 2009, you know third parties bring us among other this great games in the first three month of 2009:

  • MadWorld
  • Little Kings Story
  • Deadly Creatures
  • House of Dead: Overkill
  • Tenchu 4
  • Sonic and the Black Knight
  • Pes 2009

Its a better Line-Up than xbox or ps3 for q1 2009.

Kasz216 said:

Haven't Microsoft and Sony both had quarters where they've released zero games?

People expect too much from Nintendo.  People who only look to them for wii games are missing out.


The only game Sony released in the first six months of this year was GT5 Prologue.

And if you look over the years, Sony generally publishes a few more games for it's hom consoles than Nintendo year for year, starting back around 2000 or so.  People really are expecting a bit too much out of Nintendo these days.

We will not see a lot of Nintendo games before Motion Plus ist released. Most "new" Nintendo game will probably support Motion Plus. And Nintendo will not release Motion Plus in their financial year 2008/09, because they already reached their targets.
And btw I like the lineup of Q1 2009. It's better than Q4 2008, in which I only bought Disaster DOC (first party).

Soriku said:
konnichiwa said:
Why would nintendo make new games that cost money and they don't need them to sell the


Exactly. Why spend it when they can swim in it instead? Makes no sense to me.


1. Because when those games get released, they'll make even more money?  *looks at the sales of the supposed "flop" Wii Music*

2. You sound like you'd want them to make less games.  :S