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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Nintendo! WHAT are you thinking! Get your act together! Q1 wii line-up!

Nintendo is releasing two great games for the Wii, that were under-appreciated last gen, due to the lack of GameCubes in existance. Nothin' wrong with that. I'm looking forward to replacing my copy of Pikmin (which I "lost"), actually.

If Nintendo would remake Wind Waker, Luigi's Mansion, Metroid Prime 1&2, and SMS for the Wii, I'd be pretty happy, too. =)

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Starcraftmaniac - sell your wii then. Go on, I dare you...

Chicken! sell it! Someone else really wants a Wii for Christmas, it's just selfish of you to hold on to it like this!

If you aren't going to appreciate the aweesome games coming out on the Wii from 3rd parties, then you don't deserve a Wii

I dunno if that's the only 2 that will be out in Q1 as was said in the Nintendo Minute there are supposed to be some "surprises" in store

MaxwellGT2000 - "Does the amount of times you beat it count towards how hardcore you are?"

Wii Friend Code - 5882 9717 7391 0918 (PM me if you add me), PSN - MaxwellGT2000, XBL - BlkKniteCecil, MaxwellGT2000

From that list:

Must have for me
Little King Story
Rune Factory: Frontier
The House of The Dead: Overkill
ire Emblem™: Shadow Dragon

Depending on Impressions
Tenchu IV

If they're cheap:
We Ski and Snowboard

Only 1 Nintendo game. Interesting, a few years ago I wouldn't think on third parties on Nintendo systems. Anyway just give me my Fatal Frame Iv and everything'll be forgiven Nintendo.

Probably already mentioned, but Nintendo is simply making room for 3rd parties to succeed. They probably planned this downtime in late 2008/2009 to allow room for 3rd parties to sell with little to no strong Nintendo competition.

Its kinda sad really. Nintendo has to put gaps in its own great games because 3rd parties can't actually make games as well.

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Nintendo is expected to "carry the water" for its consoles ... much more than Sony or Microsoft.

It puts it into a "damned if you do" and "damned if you don't" situation.

Personally, I think it is waiting for WM+ as well as to give a windows for third parties to have big splashes (come on down Sega!)

Plus, with its profits and the current global economic situation, it may be able to BUY some of those third parties (Nintendo buys SE -- no FF13 for you!).

Mike from Morgantown

PS -- If you don't get the joke reference, it is from Seinfeld.


I am Mario.

I like to jump around, and would lead a fairly serene and aimless existence if it weren't for my friends always getting into trouble. I love to help out, even when it puts me at risk. I seem to make friends with people who just can't stay out of trouble.

Wii Friend Code: 1624 6601 1126 1492


psrock said:
Killergran said:
Just for a quick comparison, what games are Microsoft and Sony releasing q1 2009?


I will only mention one game. But that's all i need to mention.




---------------> Point



----------------> Your head

scottie said:
Starcraftmaniac - sell your wii then. Go on, I dare you...

Chicken! sell it! Someone else really wants a Wii for Christmas, it's just selfish of you to hold on to it like this!

If you aren't going to appreciate the aweesome games coming out on the Wii from 3rd parties, then you don't deserve a Wii

Haha! I would love to sell my Wii if you gave me 250$ for it!... Oh; and BTW! When did I EVER say anything bad about 3rd-parties?... Everybodies spinning stuff these days! Jeesh, read the fucking op before posting!

Also; I know like 95+% of Wii-owners hasn't played Pikmin or Mario Tennis on Gamecube! But what I'm basically saying is the following; Keep the other 5% that DID actually buy a Cube last-gen also in mind please! There were 21 million, still something to consider when putting out only rehashed Cube games! And 1 new Nintendo game wouldn't have killed of the whole 3rd-party line-up so that argument doesn't hold too much ground as well! Cuzz I'm willing to bet something like Fire Emblem won't stand in the way of sales for MadWorld, Sonic or Kororinpa or something!

Oh; And for the Q1 line-up for Microsoft and Sony from their 1st and 2nd parties:

Microsoft: Halo Wars, Alan Wake.

Sony: Killzone 2.


I.m.h.o a little better then a 2001 and a 2005 Cube port with an extra level, 2 extra options and waggle controlls!


And seriously; For all the people that seem to claim that I was dissing 3rd-parties... I NEVER did! I'm actually looking forward to Tales of Symph 2 and MadWorld!



well, now those that bought only Nintendo games during the GC era can support the Wii by buying third-party games.

the words above were backed by NUCLEAR WEAPONS!

StarcraftManiac said:
scottie said:
Starcraftmaniac - sell your wii then. Go on, I dare you...

Chicken! sell it! Someone else really wants a Wii for Christmas, it's just selfish of you to hold on to it like this!

If you aren't going to appreciate the aweesome games coming out on the Wii from 3rd parties, then you don't deserve a Wii

Haha! I would love to sell my Wii if you gave me 250$ for it!... Oh; and BTW! When did I EVER say anything bad about 3rd-parties?... Everybodies spinning stuff these days! Jeesh, read the fucking op before posting!

Also; I know like 95+% of Wii-owners hasn't played Pikmin or Mario Tennis on Gamecube! But what I'm basically saying is the following; Keep the other 5% that DID actually buy a Cube last-gen also in mind please! There were 21 million, still something to consider when putting out only rehashed Cube games! And 1 new Nintendo game wouldn't have killed of the whole 3rd-party line-up so that argument doesn't hold too much ground as well! Cuzz I'm willing to bet something like Fire Emblem won't stand in the way of sales for MadWorld, Sonic or Kororinpa or something!

Oh; And for the Q1 line-up for Microsoft and Sony from their 1st and 2nd parties:

Microsoft: Halo Wars, Alan Wake.

Sony: Killzone 2.


I.m.h.o a little better then a 2001 and a 2005 Cube port with an extra level, 2 extra options and waggle controlls!


And seriously; For all the people that seem to claim that I was dissing 3rd-parties... I NEVER did! I'm actually looking forward to Tales of Symph 2 and MadWorld!


Nintendo publishes that in Europe. Just saying. 

Hint: That makes it first party