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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - New Star Ocean 4 Trailer

Looks good. Character designs are very interesting (I dont mind anime)

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If the story is amazing and the battle system is god-like, you think they'll rate this game lower because of anime characters? Not gonna happen. I'm LOVING the battle system, just hope the story is epic.

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~flame said:
Seraphic_Sixaxis said:
Now that i give this game a 2nd glance...

Besides from the cute girl with the bow (Shes 18) years old and the fayt liongod clone (hes 20 years old) all the others look way to anime-ish.

And there designs are horrible...

And while the game is in "Still-Motion" in-game it looks...not as good, not bad... but still not nearly as good..

Hmmm im iffy about this now... no wonder MS isnt bragging about exvlusiveity...

The battle system looks like a Star Ocean til the end of time Clone as well...Which is fine since SO3 had a great battle system but...

We'll have to wait and see i guess..

Yeah i agree on what you said well most of them, I'll probably get an average of 70%-80% in Reviews across websites...But yeah iM' still gonna get it:P



 Agreed flame, this still looks like a game that i deem worthy of a full arcade 360 buy.

But if this does so happen to whore itself out to the PS3 at some point theres a good chance it'll have more content and so forth.

And i dont like buying the same game twice if ya know what i mean.

Overall - it look Great, but not "Pefect" which is what i deemed it as up until now.

And @Stof, yes the girl with the bow is 18, lmao hard to belive eh? you should have seen freaking So3 there was this guy in his late 30's cliff fitter i think his name was, and he looked about what? not even 15 rofl!!! not very becoming in Next Gen...

This one looks truly amazing, can't wait to play it.

I wish this was on PS3.

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Thechalkblock said:

I wish this was on PS3.


By the look of things, regardless when or where it may happen.

Out of all 3rd party games being made across all platforms and handhelds, i've got a hunch SO4 will jump to "another" console the most at some point... Tri-Ace has never been loyal to anyone unless there funded by X company...


Looking good.

RPG of the generation confirmed!

So awesome. Can't wait to go back to Roak.

Tag - "No trolling on my watch!"

That looked pretty damn good.

I hope this comes to XBL i wanna watch it on a bigger TV :O