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Forums - Sony Discussion - Wheres the Bioshock love at?

hey don't blame me, i ain't buying any game that is FPS or similar. so i didn't help out 360's bioshock or gonna help out ps3's game

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It's an old port by about a year. You can't really expect awesome sales...

4 ≈ One

It's sold 200 some odd k on the PS3.

Not too good, but not horrible. I don't suppose.

jesus kung fu magic said:

Why is it that bioshock isnt selling on ps3 when it is the best game this gen? It makes no sense to the J man.


I think one reason might be that a large chunk of those 18mil ps3 owners probably have a 360 or pc as well and had already bought it on that format earlier and cheaper. I have a ps3 but I grabbed the pc version long before the ps3 version came out.

With the controls, I'd rather be playing it on the PC. Especially when it comes to switching through plasmids and weapons.


This is what I thought when I was playing on the 360 versions and I'd imagine it'd be similar on the PS3 and others are saying, it's a year old port...

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leo-j said:
Too many other games


 There are other games and then there is BIOSHOCK. Its in a class of its own and deserves a purchase.


N64 is the ONLY console of the fifth generation!!!

everyone who has really wanted to play it badly enough already has.its been out on pc and 360 for a year.
Its full price now for ps3 while the other versions are discounted.
Love is too expensive for a game that ive played and beaten too much on 360.



I already played, so why would i buy it again.

Got lost in the Resistance 2 hype?

Member #50 of the Sonic Support Squad! :P

Most people have played it on XBox 360 and PS3 14 months before it released on PS3. Late releases of games usually results in adverse sales of that game on a particular format.