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Forums - Website Topics - VGChartz Awards Best of 2008 nominees have been decided!

Blacksaber said:
Had a bad day not in the mood of reading >_>

Oh, OK, but now that you made your vote public, prepare to suffer a barrage of blackmails and threats requesting you to change your mind


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I don't agree with a few of the nominations but who cares? I'm sure we'll have worthy winners, I see a few folks who deserve to win their categories!

PS: How come Squilliam isn't nominated for funniest member of the year as well?

I don't even agree for myself as member of the year >_


Ah sweet I got nominated for something. Sweet.

skeezer said:
I don't even agree for myself as member of the year >_< but hey, I wasn't the one who voted for the nominees.

who voted for the nomanees? not that i disagree with the nominations :P

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lol when was these nominations ? must have missed them.. anyways grats to all.. and stuff :p

Check out my game about moles ^

damn i was hoping for best new member


We [zexen and I] sent out PM's to 15 known members, each of which gave us the names of 2 other people who would receive the same PM. We can't tell you who is was that voted but surely they know who they are.


Skeezer- hmm that was a good idea. I agree that public opinion is never to be trusted so having it to a select amount was a good idea. Very well thought out.


 "I think people should define the word crap" - Kirby007

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