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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Google - Wii and Xbox 360 on "Top Ten Most Wanted", PS3 Not Included

Finally someone who the Sony community hates more than me :D

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SMcc1887 said:
Walkman > Zune
Anyway, you do it again Gebx....Ur threads annoy me so this is the last time i'm ever posting in one of your threads.
I encourage others to boycott his anti-PS3 threads.
Join in the Resistance

Thats the dumbest thing ive ever heard. Walkman > Zune? Zune is second to Apple and then comes Creative. I saw Sony's Piece of **** MP3 player competition for the IPOD and the Zune and its pittiful. $ 99 for 2 GB of memory? Sony has their head up their ass. I'd hate to see the cost of 8GB for a Sony MP3 player, even with its sub par style and offerings.


Max King of the Wild said:

twesterm - a homer is the same thing as a fanboy. It's used in sports.

Example: "The White Sox announcer Ken "The Hawk" Harrelson is such a homer"

It means he only talks about how good the sox are no matter how bad they are playing. (basically a blind fanboy cheering for the home team)

Being an ENORMOUS baseball fan, "homer" is the same as "fanboy". 

Nice Hawk reference, BTW. I don't even think "homer" is a sports reference so much as it's a baseball reference.

Hawk and DJ are the two worst announcers in baseball, BTW. Nice call. Those guys suck.

Or check out my new webcomic:

Anti Ps3 Thread number oh, I lost count.

*Al Bundy's My Hero*


*Al Bundy For President*

Waiting On GT7!!!

 PSN ID: Acidfacekiller

ultraslick said:
Aj_habfan said:
Gatorgamer88 said:
gebx all you do is post negative sony information. Your a homer and if i see another post like this one i will ban you.

$10 says you are the one that ends up banned



haha, Aj got banned for that?.   Is it because he called him a homer?  what is that word, I am unfarmiliar with it.

To my understanding, it just means  to be like an oaf, or stupid or something. Is that right?


I think "homer" means that he accused Gebx of homing in on bad things about the PS3.

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Wrong. Homer is the same as fanboy. I've never seen it used otherwise.

Or check out my new webcomic:

Reality hates sony !!

Ok I´ve seen many negative threads about PS3 lately and some of them are maybe uncalled for. But this is a videogames site that discuss sales and PS3 is underperforming at the moment so I don´t think it´s strange that bad news for Sony are circulating across the forum.

Granted I´m a Nintendo fanboy and I would probably be annoyed if Wii got the same treatment but it probably would if it´s sales were at the same level as PS3. Most likely Sonyfans would be right in line publicating bad news, just saying.

I´m quite new here posting but I´ve been reading posts here for several years and it´s always the same thing. Fanboys of all three companies, Nintendo, Sony, Microsoft frequently take parts in "fanboywars", it never seems to change. What is important I think is that conversations have to be civil and that you can back up your claims with relevant facts.

If I could get my wish we could all get along, but that seems like a utopia =)

gebx said:
Mummelmann said:
How many of these "Sony is hurting" threads have you made this month, gebx? There are 3 or 4 on the hot topics section just now. Between these and most other threads being about the same thing, there isn't much variation on the boards nowadays.


This isn't really a "Sony is Hurting" thread...

Its a "google trends" thread about the 360 and Wii being in the top 10


 Then why mention PS3 in the title?

As for being a homer, Ive always thought it was about biased referee's at sporting events who always call for the home team


 assumption is the mother of all f**k ups 

joshin69 said:
gebx said:
Mummelmann said:
How many of these "Sony is hurting" threads have you made this month, gebx? There are 3 or 4 on the hot topics section just now. Between these and most other threads being about the same thing, there isn't much variation on the boards nowadays.


This isn't really a "Sony is Hurting" thread...

Its a "google trends" thread about the 360 and Wii being in the top 10


 Then why mention PS3 in the title?

As for being a homer, Ive always thought it was about biased referee's at sporting events who always call for the home team

Yeah it's when someone is cheering for the home team no matter what... Like the Chicago Cubs have a bunch of fans that are homers. They will cheer for the cubs no matter how poorly they do. (100 year losing streak). Refs being homers would be for like high school and under because the refs are usually volunteers who live near by.