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Ok I´ve seen many negative threads about PS3 lately and some of them are maybe uncalled for. But this is a videogames site that discuss sales and PS3 is underperforming at the moment so I don´t think it´s strange that bad news for Sony are circulating across the forum.

Granted I´m a Nintendo fanboy and I would probably be annoyed if Wii got the same treatment but it probably would if it´s sales were at the same level as PS3. Most likely Sonyfans would be right in line publicating bad news, just saying.

I´m quite new here posting but I´ve been reading posts here for several years and it´s always the same thing. Fanboys of all three companies, Nintendo, Sony, Microsoft frequently take parts in "fanboywars", it never seems to change. What is important I think is that conversations have to be civil and that you can back up your claims with relevant facts.

If I could get my wish we could all get along, but that seems like a utopia =)