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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Google - Wii and Xbox 360 on "Top Ten Most Wanted", PS3 Not Included

Yeah, this is in direct violation of forum rules.

Do not post just a link. Links have context - expound upon that context.

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Great thread. Can't wait for December NPD.

DMeisterJ said:
papflesje said:
27 years old huh? :)



What is is wrong to post complete legitimate news if your 27??? And look who is saying it, you really got a serious problem.

who needs to know about the PS3 , it's a celebrity
360 and wii are new to the market and people search more for unknown stuff lol

@ sleepwalking: I sure hope that a 27-year old (more so than a 13 year old) has more to do than spur on fanboyism.

Around the Network

gebx, new hobby of yours?

How many of these "Sony is hurting" threads have you made this month, gebx? There are 3 or 4 on the hot topics section just now. Between these and most other threads being about the same thing, there isn't much variation on the boards nowadays.

Chrizum said:
twesterm said:
ultraslick said:
Aj_habfan said:
Gatorgamer88 said:
gebx all you do is post negative sony information. Your a homer and if i see another post like this one i will ban you.

$10 says you are the one that ends up banned



haha, Aj got banned for that?.   Is it because he called him a homer?  what is that word, I am unfarmiliar with it.

To my understanding, it just means  to be like an oaf, or stupid or something. Is that right?


I'm going to a shot in the dark and say it's some sort of insult so I really don't care what it means.  As for people getting on gebx for posting negative Sony threads: I don't care.

Should I ban a Sony fan for posting the same article?  No.  So why should I care if he posts them?  If you don't like the article, give counterpoints.  If you can't do that, then just don't read it because in the end it shouldn't affect your console in any way at all.

Now if I catch him flaming or trolling then I will gadly do something but I don't have a problem with someone posting a legitimate news article.

Isn't copy/pasting articles without adding anything to the thread frowned upon though? Not that I think you should ban Gebx or anything, just wondering.



 I get attacked for posting news... imagine what would happen if I put in my own two words..

Proud Member of GAIBoWS (Gamers Against Irrational Bans of Weezy & Squilliam)


SleepWaking said:
DMeisterJ said:
papflesje said:
27 years old huh? :)


What is is wrong to post complete legitimate news if your 27??? And look who is saying it, you really got a serious problem.

How so?

lol I know you love getting the sony fans all riled up gebx but your really putting the hurt on today


                      The definitive evidence that video games turn people into mass murderers