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Forums - Gaming Discussion - PS3 had the best exclusives in 2008 according to IGN (AUS)

Ender said:
Aj_habfan said:

Using sales as a measure of quality would only be used by someone who r stupid.


Well, how would you measure it?

Certainly not by sales. I would, you know, go your own opinion after you've played the game.

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papflesje said:
recognition like this is good for the ego, but sales would be better for the wallet.

I think sony would prefer the second (if they had to choose)


One comes with the other really.

Mind you, popular opinion is not a good guide, otherwise you´d have to believe Titanic and Gone with the wind are the best movies ever, or that Harry Potter is the best book series( and I like HP).

Quality is one thing, popular taste is another and they usually don´t walk together.
It has to be admited that Ps3 excluvises are really good, even if you are not atracted to them. Is no shame to me to say that Gears2, Fable2 and Brawl are good exclusives, why should it be to the other fanboys to say that LBP, MGS4, Valkyria C, R2, MS2 are in the same league or close behind? Justa don´t say the other consoles have matching titles, cause they don´t, not in the same genres.( ok, R2 and GoW2, but that´s it).





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Yeah, you're right. They did.

I mean, No More Heroes made a great addition to it's libra--..wait.

i will agree it was a good year for sony.... i am envious of VC.... god i love strategy games of any type

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