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Forums - Website Topics - sex thread on VGchartz, next porno ? !

what is the fun ?
mad with laughter ? Strange humour ?!

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As soon as we get a Sex forum VG Chartz will have flocks of thousands upon thousands of perverts across the internet and there will be so many people on this website that the new server wont be able to handle it and everything will crash and VG Chartz will never be heard of again.

So it's probably best to keep it the way it is now :)

i dont think someone with the name bugrimmar should talk about sex. Ever! (edit)


 assumption is the mother of all f**k ups 

I think someone's messing with his translation:

patrice: "(in French) Uh, how do you say 'I'd like to start a French sales thread in VGChartz'?"

American friend: "Oh, that? You say 'there is so many sex forum, why make one on Vgchartz ?'"

patrice: "(in French) Oh. I got it. Thanks!"

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Where can I get a "Sex Phantasm"?

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please help me guys. i'm going insane

bugrimmar said:
please help me guys. i'm going insane

Take a cold shower then go watch the price is right, I'll admit I don't know what you need help with but cold showers and price is right helps for everything :)

patrice1970 said:
what is the fun ?
mad with laughter ? Strange humour ?!


They're laughing because the way you wrote it in English is not exactly what you intended to say. Not totally your fault, I'm assuming you're still learning the language.


Currently playing: Civ 6

shotgun moderator...

sex moderator.

Gilgamesh said:
bugrimmar said:
please help me guys. i'm going insane

Take a cold shower then go watch the price is right, I'll admit I don't know what you need help with but cold showers and price is right helps for everything :)


Did you see it today? A old man guessed the EXACT price of his showcase, and won both showcases. It was crazy.