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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Sex scenes in video games.

Huge controversies erupt at the smallest hint of nudity in a game, but the world doesn't seem to care anymore about the amount of nudity present in movies. San Andreas caused a mighty backlash at the hot coffee issue, yet movies like Monster's Ball get oscars. Isn't it unfair?

I say that both platforms of entertainment have reached a point wherein they are on equal footing (if not, movies only have a slight edge nowadays), and I'm sure that games will eventually become the number 1 standard of entertainment (personal opinion). I'm just puzzled why there's so much censorship in games while movies can get away with pretty much anything they want.

The ratings system is pretty much the same for both platforms, and the violence part of the equation seems pretty much equal. Games like Call of Duty can get away with any amount of shooting and killing as the want, while movies like 300 can show whatever kind of blood and gore their imagination can come up with. So what's up with sex, eh? Why is sex so censored in games and not in movies?

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I think it's because, at some level, video games are still seen as being primarily for kids. So the media angle (usually unspoken) is that perverts are trying to market sex to kids.

Personally, I dislike it in games because of the whole uncanny valley thing. Watching computer people get it on is just sort of creepy. Except for Mass Effect, where it was just awkward and funny, especially with the dialogue choices. I still titter when I think of Shepard saying, "Shut up and get over here."

If that is the case, why are games allowed to have as much violence as they want? Look at God of War's uncompromising brutality. Shouldn't that be censored as well if games still have the stigma of being for kids?

So basicly you want more sex in games right ?

Personaly I feel sex shouldn't be in a game unless it has some relevance to the storyline or game , no just put there for the sake of it.

Another issue is that Movies are 1 way entertainment wheras games are generaly more interactive , considering how mentaly ill some people can be the freedom to have interactive sex might have some serious negative effects.

Parental age ratings also do little to keep 18+ games out of the hands of younger kids , it's best we limit the amount of questionable material they have access too.

^ so again, what about violence? there are no filters on the amount of brutality you can dish out in a game. why so?

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bugrimmar said:
^ so again, what about violence? there are no filters on the amount of brutality you can dish out in a game. why so?

Because if I'm a father and my little Billy plays God of War III, I'm not actually afraid he's going to wear wolf head gloves and rip people apart with them. I am afraid, however, that if he plays some interactive sex thing, he'll grow up into a wispy-mustachioed porn creep who never grows up and moves out of my goddamn house already!


bugrimmar said:
If that is the case, why are games allowed to have as much violence as they want? Look at God of War's uncompromising brutality. Shouldn't that be censored as well if games still have the stigma of being for kids?


God of War also has some of the best sex scenes.


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Well I never condoned violet games , restrictions should idealy be put on anything excessivley violent but we live in a culture of violence , have a history of violence so when we're in a sense decensitised to violent content , it's almost acceptable in most cases.

But you can't really justify allowing more sex in games because we already have alot of violence in them ; making games more questionable in content because they already are seems backwards.

badgenome said:
bugrimmar said:
^ so again, what about violence? there are no filters on the amount of brutality you can dish out in a game. why so?

Because if I'm a father and my little Billy plays God of War III, I'm not actually afraid he's going to wear wolf head gloves and rip people apart with them. I am afraid, however, that if he plays some interactive sex thing, he'll grow up into a wispy-mustachioed porn creep who never grows up and moves out of my goddamn house already!



well, what about the violence in grand theft auto? many news stories have picked up random acts of carnage in the street presumably because of teenagers just having had a session of gta. lots of games have a whole lot of realism to their violence, and will have an influence on children to be homicidal maniacs.

what about that recent news story of a 16 year old boy shooting his mother in the head because of Halo 3? that's because of violence in games and it totally influences kids.

so again, why is violence uncensored, and sex is?

Don't you know, Sex is apparently more dangerous then weapons, knifes, bombs will ever be........

If it isn't turnbased it isn't worth playing   (mostly)

And shepherds we shall be,

For Thee, my Lord, for Thee. Power hath descended forth from Thy hand, That our feet may swiftly carry out Thy command. So we shall flow a river forth to Thee And teeming with souls shall it ever be. In Nomine Patris, et Filii, et Spiritūs Sancti. -----The Boondock Saints