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Huge controversies erupt at the smallest hint of nudity in a game, but the world doesn't seem to care anymore about the amount of nudity present in movies. San Andreas caused a mighty backlash at the hot coffee issue, yet movies like Monster's Ball get oscars. Isn't it unfair?

I say that both platforms of entertainment have reached a point wherein they are on equal footing (if not, movies only have a slight edge nowadays), and I'm sure that games will eventually become the number 1 standard of entertainment (personal opinion). I'm just puzzled why there's so much censorship in games while movies can get away with pretty much anything they want.

The ratings system is pretty much the same for both platforms, and the violence part of the equation seems pretty much equal. Games like Call of Duty can get away with any amount of shooting and killing as the want, while movies like 300 can show whatever kind of blood and gore their imagination can come up with. So what's up with sex, eh? Why is sex so censored in games and not in movies?