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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - What is it with 360 fanboys?

misterd said:
Feylic said:
misterd said:
Feylic said:
Lol, are you sure you're here everyday? did you even look at any threads before posting this? it's constant back and forth from both sides, all the time, nonstop.
I should design a failstamp to stamp failthreads with.. for now, this will have to do.


Go ahead. Show me one thread in the past month in which a 360 fanboy predicted the 360 would win the generation? eat the PS3? Sure, almost entirely in threads started by PS3 fanboys. But unlike the Sony crowd, not a one that I can recall that has claimed the 360 will surpass the Wii.


Show me one that says the ps3 will win.

Here's mine. Where's yours?


Seeing how you're using an obvious joke post, I'm not going to feel so bad about using one thats a little old.

@~flame: dumbass at it's finest.

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Feylic said:
misterd said:
Feylic said:
misterd said:
Feylic said:
Lol, are you sure you're here everyday? did you even look at any threads before posting this? it's constant back and forth from both sides, all the time, nonstop.
I should design a failstamp to stamp failthreads with.. for now, this will have to do.


Go ahead. Show me one thread in the past month in which a 360 fanboy predicted the 360 would win the generation? eat the PS3? Sure, almost entirely in threads started by PS3 fanboys. But unlike the Sony crowd, not a one that I can recall that has claimed the 360 will surpass the Wii.


Show me one that says the ps3 will win.

Here's mine. Where's yours?


Seeing how you're using an obvious joke post, I'm not going to feel so bad about using one thats a little old.

@~flame: dumbass at it's finest.

Why did you come back and reignite the flame? Do you have any idea how many "ps3 will win the console war" topics there are? You're bound to get someone to come and actually look and destroy you with them. And lol @ the link you posted, best ya can find, huh?


Proud Owner of: 

250gig FFXIII SE Xbox 360, 250gig Xbox 360 S, black Wii, 120gig PS3 Slim, soon to be 3DS *___*

did you actually look at his link? clearly a joke post...

Lol 360 fanboys don't post anything. How about the 1,000 MGS4 360 threads, and more recently with the green light thing people thinking thats a sign

misterd said:
indodude said:
Jackson50 said:

PS fanboys live in a world of delusion and fantasy. They (not all of them, mind you) continually embarrass themselves by asserting that the PS3 will drop in price and subsequently surpass the Wii in sales. They were on top for the past two generations and relinquishing that throne is difficult. The 360 fanboys have a modicum of sense. They have never been on top and are satisfied with surpassing the original Xbox (which has already transpired), improving and diversifying the library, and giving the PS3 a challenge-one they may win. 


Link please? Honest question

And same on to you:


That's clearly a joke post.... if your talking about the top post though


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In the early days of this gen, one of the Microsoft execs advocated that in order to beat Sony, they wanted people that were xbox fans and planned to get a 360 to get a Wii as well. So, I think a lot of xbox fans and many of those planning to get a 360 took the words of Microsoft's exec to heart and decided to get a Wii to help topple Sony. I think a lot of 360 owners also own a Wii and that is why you seldom see them bash the Wii whereas Sony fans want to be back on top.

Personally, I wanted a 360, because I liked the original xbox, and I thought it would take up a similar spot in my current gen library, but I expected the PS3 to dominate once again and get all of the best games. Well, that hasn't happened yet, and it took awhile for me to get used to the idea that it might not be in the cards for Sony this time out.

I do plan to get a Wii sometime (I've owned all previous Nintendo consoles (as far as Nintendo handhelds go though I've only owned a GBA.) for certain games like Zelda, Mario, No More Heroes, Mad World, and the currently announced rpgs.  Plus, if things continue as they are the Wii will wind up with a game library at least as good as the 360's. And I think back at E3 2006 that was another reason Microsoft was advocating the purchase of a Wii and a 360 -- to have the best of both Japanese and Western gaming.

Heavens to Murgatoids.

Feylic said:

@~flame: dumbass at it's finest.


This is your one and only warning: please do not insult other users.

BTFeather55 said:

In the early days of this gen, one of the Microsoft execs advocated that in order to beat Sony, they wanted people that were xbox fans and planned to get a 360 to get a Wii as well. So, I think a lot of xbox fans and many of those planning to get a 360 took the words of Microsoft's exec to heart and decided to get a Wii to help topple Sony. I think a lot of 360 owners also own a Wii and that is why you seldom see them bash the Wii whereas Sony fans want to be back on top.

Personally, I wanted a 360, because I liked the original xbox, and I thought it would take up a similar spot in my current gen library, but I expected the PS3 to dominate once again and get all of the best games. Well, that hasn't happened yet, and it took awhile for me to get used to the idea that it might not be in the cards for Sony this time out.

I do plan to get a Wii sometime (I've owned all previous Nintendo consoles (as far as Nintendo handhelds go though I've only owned a GBA.) for certain games like Zelda, Mario, No More Heroes, Mad World, and the currently announced rpgs.  Plus, if things continue as they are the Wii will wind up with a game library at least as good as the 360's. And I think back at E3 2006 that was another reason Microsoft was advocating the purchase of a Wii and a 360 -- to have the best of both Japanese and Western gaming.


I think you missed a reference about the greys, the trilateral commission and area 51 there.

Current-gen game collection uploaded on the profile, full of win and good games; also most of my PC games. Lucasfilm Games/LucasArts 1982-2008 (Requiescat In Pace).

PS3 fanboys are the worst of the bunch, and really, Wii fanboys tend to be the best because even though they are kicking ass and taking names, they don't gloat too much about it.

I'd say 360 fanboys fall somewhere in the middle.


Wii Code:



XBOX LIVE: Comrade Tovya 2


I'm too busy with FFXI online and drooling at the new Star ocean trailer to care but I can't be assed get into a heated argument on forums..

life and .. certain game achievements are stressful enough :D