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World of Goo, Lost Winds are defining Wii Ware games of the Wii Experience. There are also other great Wii Ware games, while fun those 2 listed are definetly Wii exlusive experience.

Squilliam: On Vgcharts its a commonly accepted practice to twist the bounds of plausibility in order to support your argument or agenda so I think its pretty cool that this gives me the precedent to say whatever I damn well please.

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seece said:
Alright so my list of games to check out so far are ..


De Blob
Meteroid 4
Mario Kart Wii


Uncharted 1 & 2
Ratchet & Clank

I see the PS3 & Wii both have a great gaming year ahead of them compared to M$ (so far)

I think I'm going to be spending a lot of time in GAME tomorrow!!!!

In all honesty I can see me picking up both eventually .. I don't want to get both so close to each other though.

I asked about your collection because of the Virtual Console.

If you don't have old consoles, the Virtual Console alone is enough reason to purchase a Wii.

@jayderyu: World of Goo is a pc game as well as a WiiWare game.

Demon's Souls Official Thread  | Currently playing: Left 4 Dead 2, LittleBigPlanet 2, Magicka

Since you have a 360 you already own over half of the PS3 games so get a Wii.

Wii. This deprived person needs to play Zelda. /thread

Proud member of the Mega Mario Movement


Warrior of Light

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PS3 offers similar experience to xbox 360 as others have pointed out, and the wii is different, still try to check the exclusives of both consoles and go with the one you like.

Wii/Mario Kart Wii Code:2793-0686-5434

Wii. First, I love WiiSports. Second, there are tons of good games on the Wii that make it a great party console.

Now, why should you get a Wii over a PS? From this unbiased standpoint. The PS3 offers a very similar gaming experience as the 360 offers. The PS3 does offer Blu Ray playback and also several console exclusive games (LBP, Metal Gear, God of War, Uncharted). However, it is more expensive than the Wii, and could experience a price cut soon. You could also land Blu Ray, game offers if you wait long enough.

The Wii offers a fun, family experience. Nongamers can find a home on the console. While the graphics are on the lacking side, the full Gamecube BC (when used with GC controllers) will allow you to play your old GC games. It has several old skool Nintendo games of old, cool avatars and several games that are sure to keep you entertained for hours (WiiFit, Resident Evil, Zelda, Blue Ocean and of course WiiSports).

Really, it's about games. List 5 from each system and ask yourself, which 5 appeal more to you? For me, I enjoy variety and hate redundancy.

My professional opinion? Get the Wii.

Easy, the wii. Why? It has already been said. You are gonna get most of the games on the X360 that u can get in the ps3, just a few exclusive ones will be left out.

But the wii games are totally different, and of course Nintendo is just a most in every generation, their games are amazing. And then u just look at the future and see how thirds parties are already moving to the wii....

Wii60 the way to go. I have that combo in my house (=

Cross platform games are generally better on the 360.

Wii exclusives are better than PS3 exclusives. It's not even close. If you have friends it even tilts things more in the Wii's favor. Super Smash Brothers is a hardcore gamer's delight. It's the most hardcore game I have by far (Halo 3 and Forza 2 are behind it in my collection).

If you want a BD player, get a standalone BD player.  They're cheap (and getting cheaper every day) and also it is nice having a proper controller than you don't have to pay out of the ear for and having a chance of netflix HD and streaming HD movies put on it.  That won't happen with the PS3 since Sony doesn't want HD downloads competing with BD, but it could very well happen on a Samsung BD player.