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Forums - Sales Discussion - 360 Overtakes PS3 for 2008 Worldwide Sales

reptile168 said:
Well, the solution is SIMPLE. Price cut.

though, not their fault for not undercutting the margin because they lost a lot of money initially with the PS3 and as we speak, the american dollar is so weak that they lose even more money once you convert the cash to yen.

I have to congratulate MS for turning the tide. E3, gears of war 2, price cut, NXE, etc. everything was well timed.

unfortunately for sony they have a new enemy to face :the arcade 360. At 300$ it was irrelevant ,now it is changing the status quo of the hd market . A 300$ ps3 will face an 149$ or 129$ arcade 360.

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This very good news. For most of the year things were looking bad for the 360. It was easy to think it may not even match the sales it had in 2007. Now with a price cut that seems to have shown the market the 360 is more than just a game machine, I think the mass market have found a new love in the system. Some may look at this as bad news for Sony, but I look at it as good news for HD gaming. Both platforms are selling very well. The only reason they don't look spectacular is due to the stupid amount of Wii's selling.


I just want to bring up the fact that I was expecting the PS3 to do a little bit better than it has done this year, but a lot of factors have made me glad things are the way they are. Like most people in the industry I was highly expecting to see the PS3 hit the $299 price point this year, and I think we would have seen a much differant holiday had this been possible. Unfortinatly after seeing Sonys Q2 earnings results I knew things were not going to be so rosie this year, and I knew Sony had to focus on making money.

Some have said they should have taken the loses this holiday by moving to a lowrer price point, but in reality there comes a point when companies, and people just have to say enough is enough. I comend Sony for admiting defeat for now, and understanding that it is not worth going under trying to make a platform number one. So even though 360 has now passed PS3 for the year all is not doom and gloom. Sony has made a good decision to focus on software and profits. It will be very important that they continue this idea throught the rest of the generation. People will pay $400 for a console if it has the software and services they want, and I think that is the direction Sony is going to take it.

Stop hate, let others live the life they were given. Everyone has their problems, and no one should have to feel ashamed for the way they were born. Be proud of who you are, encourage others to be proud of themselves. Learn, research, absorb everything around you. Nothing is meaningless, a purpose is placed on everything no matter how you perceive it. Discover how to love, and share that love with everything that you encounter. Help make existence a beautiful thing.

Kevyn B Grams


im with you altough ps3 was on a rampage when mgs4 came out........but not anymore with gears 2 taking its place.

it is great number, maybe end of dec, the differences will be almost 1 mil

Who was it that predicted this first?

Was it squilliam?

"Let justice be done though the heavens fall." - Jim Garrison

"Ask not your horse, if ye should ride into battle" - myself

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Commando said:
Who was it that predicted this first?

Was it squilliam?

I don't remember anyone elses predictions before mine *under the same circumstances*. Maybe it was me, but I don't like to blow my own trumpet really.



Squilliam said:
Commando said:
Who was it that predicted this first?

Was it squilliam?

I don't remember anyone elses predictions before mine *under the same circumstances*. Maybe it was me, but I don't like to blow my own trumpet really.



 Did you even predict this? I remember it as

X360 Q3+Q4 will > Ps3 Q3+Q4


As the Ps3 > the X360 by 1.4M in Q1+Q2, that means you didn't really predict this.  (No offense though, I thought you a fool when you made the prediction originally).

That is VGChartz LONGEST review. And it's NOT Cute Kitten DS

Oyvoyvoyv said:
Squilliam said:
Commando said:
Who was it that predicted this first?

Was it squilliam?

I don't remember anyone elses predictions before mine *under the same circumstances*. Maybe it was me, but I don't like to blow my own trumpet really.



 Did you even predict this? I remember it as

X360 Q3+Q4 will > Ps3 Q3+Q4


As the Ps3 > the X360 by 1.4M in Q1+Q2, that means you didn't really predict this.  (No offense though, I thought you a fool when you made the prediction originally).

Microsofts actions were the easy ones to judge. I knew their best bet was to take action towards the end of the year where the impact will be the strongest. They stated that they were aiming for 2nd this generation and I believed them. So it was easy to predict they would move, and strongly at this time. I almost wrote into my prediction that they would price the Arcade at $200, but I removed it because I thought it was too controversial!

Sony were always going to be the hard ones to judge, given the financial situation they were under back then I figured into my prediction that they wouldn't cut the price towards the end of 2008, it didn't make sense to me. I thought their best bet was to wait until 2009 before cutting the price so I figured that any Microsoft movement would reverse the trend and give Microsoft a win.

Now I didn't expect Microsoft to cut the price in both Europe and North America. My idea was that Microsoft would be > Sony in North America and the gap would be closer, but in Sonys favour in Europe and that would give Microsoft the overall win ~400k consoles.

P.S im currently working through a tentative prediction for Q3/Q4 2009, but its hard as there are so many factors to consider coming into next year.




halogamer1989 said:


2008 year end sales (made in January 2008):

44.2 M 27.1 M 20.8 M

M$ in red shorts, Sony in black.