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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Metal Gear 2

"MG has no relation to MGS"

By the Hell, of course they have relation !!!!!!

MG happen in the same world that MGS

thx Ishy's post.

Time to Work !

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LOL, it's kool libellule and thanks crapshoot also, for setting the record straight, but i think mgs 4 is being released on the PS3 mate.

Btw congrats on 1st post, hope to see you around. :P

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- - - > ¤ « ~ N i n t e n d o ~ » ¤ < - - -
Games purchased since December 30th 2006:
GBA:The Legend of Zelda:The Minish Cap
DS:Lunar Knights, Pokemon Diamond, The Legend of Zelda: Phantom Hourglass ,Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare, Hotel Dusk:Room 215, Mario vs DK 2: March of the Mini's and Picross DS
PS2: Devil May Cry 3:Dante's Awakening, Shadow of the Colosuss, Sega Mega Drive Collection, XIII , Sonic Mega Collection,Fifa 08 and Fifa 09.
GC:Fight Night Round 2
Wii VC:Super Mario 64 ,Lylat Wars ,Donkey Kong Country 2: Diddy's Kong Quest, Super Castlevania IV, Sonic the Hedgehog 2, Streets of Rage, Kirby's Adventure, Super Metroid, Super Mario Bros. 3, Mega Man 2Street Fighter 2 Turbo: Hyper Fighting,Wave Race 64 and Lost Winds

Wii: Sonic and the Secret Rings, Godfather:Blackhand Edition, Red Steel, Tony Hawks Downhill Jam, Eledees, Rayman Raving Rabbids, Mario Strikers Charged Football,Metroid Prime 3: Corruption, Super Mario Galaxy,House of the Dead 2 and 3 Return, Wii Fit, No More Heroes and Super Smash Bros. Brawl.

X360: Spider Man
Resistance: Fall of Man





I'd buy a remake of the first two Metal Gear games, why not.

PS3: 5.51m/51w, avg 108,039/w (up 239)
360: 12.93m/102w, avg 126,764/w (up 625), leads PS3 by 7.42m (up 70k), avg lead 18,725/w (up 386)
Wii: 13.52m/51w, avg 265,098/w (dn 1,102), leads PS3 by 8.01m (up 90k), avg lead 157,059/w (dn 1,341)

If 360 sales stabilize, PS3 sales increases needed to pass 360 by...
01/08: (008w) +875.8%, 04/08: (021w) +344.4%, 07/08: (034w) +219.3%, 10/08: (047w) +163.5%
01/09: (060w) +131.8%, 04/09: (073w) +111.4%, 07/09: (085w) +098.1%, 10/09: (099w) +086.7%
If Wii sales stabilize, PS3 sales increases needed to pass Wii by...
01/08: (008w) +1072.%, 04/08: (021w) +498.4%, 07/08: (034w) +363.4%, 10/08: (047w) +303.1%
01/09: (060w) +269.0%, 04/09: (073w) +246.9%, 07/09: (085w) +232.6%, 10/09: (099w) +220.3%
If PS2 sales freeze, Wii sales increases needed to pass PS2 (as of Mar07, 108.4m) by...
2008: (008w) +4373.8%, 2009: (060w) +0496.5%, 2010: (112w) +0219.6%, 2011: (165w) +0116.9%
2012: (217w) +0064.9%, 2013: (269w) +0033.1%, 2014: (321w) +0011.5%, 2015: (376w) -0004.8%
At +0% it will pass it in 358w, the week ending September 19th, 2014, at an age of 409w (7y44w).
Current age of PS2: 7y37w.

Last update: Week ending November 3, 2007

What? There is another mgs3 wtf?



no other MGS3 ...

and MG3 doesnt exist

Time to Work !

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Ishy said:
Cummon Takashi, the original metal gear games are fantastic( I got up to the part where I saved Grey Fox(aka ninja in mgs1) in Metal Gear 1). Lots of people would play them, doesnt matter if their old. Look at FF1 thats been remade 7 times.

Soriku, the MG games are related to the MGS's, so you should change that in your former post.


Ok check this out I take back that I said its old...but why bother making a remake when its already available on the PS2....Metal Gear Solid 3: Subistence...just purchase that can play MGS3:Snake Eater,MG, MG2, and go online with deathmatches...



Whatever, the more Metal Gear games that are good, the more times I will give money to Konami for them.

I'm still waiting for that Collector's Edition that was just released in Japan to be released here, I mean I'm sure they'd sell several thousand here too, probably more than they did in Japan...

Thanks to Blacksaber for the sig!

Since were talkin about MG (or was it MGS:P), I just finished MGS3, bought it a couple of weeks ago, and loved it, the story was actually surprising, music was wonderfull, and gameplay could be played fast or slowly.

P.S. The ending was great to, and the bosses. And people who were disappointed in MGS2, would forget about that dissappointment when the play MGS3 :D

PSN ID: clemens-nl                                                                                                                

Yeah I'm really looking into that Metal Gear Solid: 20th Aniversary has the whole series in that's well worth the purchase for me.....BRING IT ON KONAMI PLEASE!!!!!


MG remake?... Imho it's stupid - it would be much better if Konami made MGS2 remake for Wii.

True fighters don't wear socks.