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Forums - PC Discussion - Can someone help me remove this trojan virus form my PC?!?!? Please! :(

The opnnmKby.dll file is most likely binding to other programs that you have running. I am not sure what your comfort level with pcs is. You can download process explorer from microsoft at This program will give you detailed information on each process running on your pc. You can double click on each process and click the threads tab and look for opnnmKby.dll. You can click it and select kill. If it is binding to individual processes, you will need to repeat this for each process listed in process explorer. Once you have killed the individual processes you should be able to delete the file.

Thanks for the input, Jeff.



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i hav a 2nd computer that has Ubuntu and XP. use it mainly to download ..things, etc

i pretty much reboot xp lotz; sumtymez just 'cuz =)

I would just use Spybot....

Former something....

Soriku said:


Thanks...but I get errors when I try to run each one. If the program I'm running now doesn't work I think I'm gonna give up and wait to see how long my PC lasts until my uncle comes...

As long as I can do school work and access sites I think I'm good.

Can this virus kill my PC?


if its doing all this than maybe it can

Soriku said:
Is it me...or does every time I ask for help for turning my things on and about all the .dll errors everyone ignores me? :(

You're asking a solution to a very specific situation, and I don't think anyone here is an data security expert, including the techies. These things can take time.

As far as I can tell, TAPI32.dll handles user interface dll calls, among other things. What this actually means that if TAPI32.dll gets bricked, it can brick a crapload of programs with it = BAD.

You can download a spare TAPI32.dll from this link, and drop it into your C:\Windows\System32 and C:\Windows\ServicePackFiles\i386 - directories. See if that helps with your programs failing to start.

Also, HiJackThis with experienced helpers, and the programs Timmah! posted should work and aren't too hard to use, so you may give them a shot unless you're already drowning in antivirus crap.

If you don't want to deal with the hassle, backup all data you can't recover NOW. Once you've done that, do the Windows destructive restore thing that was already mentioned, or just reinstall your Windows on top of your old one.

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^ I agree with last portion of above post.

Backup whatever you do not want to lose and do a destructive restore (provided you never reinstalled windows on that PC)

It will just reset your PC to the way it was when you first brought it home and booted it up, sending you through the XP setup once again.

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download Avast personal edition. Run it and it will ask you to run at start up, say yes and restart the pc. It might take a while to clean depending on the amount of porn you downloaded this week, i suspect a lot. Good luck busy hands.

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Soriku said:


I have tapi32.dll in both folders already...

If I reinstall windows on top of this one will it save all my data or no? Also, nobody told me how to recover data...


If you reinstall windows I think you may lose the option for factory restore.

Restart your PC, then hit F10 or F11 (depends on PC brand I believe) and it should bring you to the System recovery screen. Choose "advanced" and from there follow the directions to perform a destructive restore.

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It should take about 30 minutes or so, after that you should be good to go. Just reinstall what you need and that's it. Problem solved.

After that just make sure to stay away from those "naughty sites".

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Soriku said:


Thanks...but I get errors when I try to run each one. If the program I'm running now doesn't work I think I'm gonna give up and wait to see how long my PC lasts until my uncle comes...

As long as I can do school work and access sites I think I'm good.

Can this virus kill my PC?


nah, it shouldnt. it is however an extreme nuisance, annoyance, irritance (u get my point)...

but basically since it triggers shutting off some important stuff (like Security Center and Automatic Updates), etc

u can run all these programs that were suggested but i suggest backing up u'r stuff and just format. also what these programs do is find .dll's that are not authenticated by windows or possibly by an unknown publisher. u can remove them but like i sed unless u remove them all, vundo will just created another one. it's extremely annoying fighting it. and to make matters worse it will fight windows defender or any of these virus scans by creating more that they (virus scanners) delete.

once u decide to format, always have a virus scanners to begin with. and remember to scan each and every thing u download. if it is an iso file, burn to a disc and then scan it. kind of irritating at first but it's better than having a trojan. and download things like norton web safe or mcafee site advisor. (i know site advisor is free, but i'm not sure about norton web safe)

oh, also these trojans usually are not in downloaded movies, music, etc. they're mostly included in programs u downloaded; anything .exe. (in my experiences anyway)