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Forums - Sony Discussion - UNCHARTED 2 BABY!!! Screens of epic-awesome-win!!!

Garnett said:
leo-j said:
Garnett said:
leo-j said:
kopboi said:
i know you ps3 dudes are desperate but this game looks great i mean the trailer great cutscene ps3 the best blu ray player out there heehheheheeh... memo to self i am gonna get band now awhile...up the xbox 360


Why do you have to attack the PS3 for no reason? The console is amazing, I hate it when people downplay it.

Can i ask why you attack the 360 for no reason? The console is amazing, I hate it when people downplay it.


Can I ask when the fuck I have said anything bad about the 360?




You dont out right attack it that would be trolling,you make stupid remarks that are false,like  " Ok so those saying its CGI,well thats what ps3 graphics are" Unless you were joking if you were im sorry then,just to many PS fanboys on this site its hard to tell the FANS apart from the FANBOYS...


And i agree,he shouldnt of attacked the PS3.



Dude whats wrong with you ???? how come saying the ps3's graphics are good is an attack to the 360???

dd if = /dev/brain | tail -f | grep games | nc -lnvvp 80

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radha said:
Garnett said:
leo-j said:
Garnett said:
leo-j said:
kopboi said:
i know you ps3 dudes are desperate but this game looks great i mean the trailer great cutscene ps3 the best blu ray player out there heehheheheeh... memo to self i am gonna get band now awhile...up the xbox 360


Why do you have to attack the PS3 for no reason? The console is amazing, I hate it when people downplay it.

Can i ask why you attack the 360 for no reason? The console is amazing, I hate it when people downplay it.


Can I ask when the fuck I have said anything bad about the 360?




You dont out right attack it that would be trolling,you make stupid remarks that are false,like " Ok so those saying its CGI,well thats what ps3 graphics are" Unless you were joking if you were im sorry then,just to many PS fanboys on this site its hard to tell the FANS apart from the FANBOYS...


And i agree,he shouldnt of attacked the PS3.



Dude whats wrong with you ???? how come saying the ps3's graphics are good is an attack to the 360???

*Sigh* Because everyone knows PS fanboys always talk smack about the 360,NO PS3 game has CGI graphics,and thats like me saying "Xenos is the best processor out right now" when clearly teh Cell is better.


@ CGI-Quality i agree Heavy Rain is the best looking PS3 game coming out,and it may be the first PS3 game to come close to CGI,But its really no where CGI,as it may have the best graphics for  a PS3 game and it looks somewhat like CGI but its not.


the textures and lighting look amazingly good!

2) Isn't it Uncharted BABY 2?

(Former) Lead Moderator and (Eternal) VGC Detective

Looks unrealistically good. Are the pictures CGI or does the game run at

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Pretty impressive!!

Play my LittleBigPlanet level: Mystic Runner. Thanks!