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Forums - Gaming Discussion - So Sony really got it right with Blu Ray

SpartanFX said:
^^^doesn't matter how high quality PS3 has to come down in price.No gaming console in history was priced $400 and $500 given when it was 2 years old.

but it's built very good ,,,much better than PS2 and PS1.

it's quite and runs cool (when you put your hand behind the air vent after playing 3-4 hours session)

Hmmm,umm agreed


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Passenger57 said:
With BD's slow reading speeds, I doubt any next x console will be using it.

OMG will people stop spewing this BS. Learn something before you post please, or don't post at all, that would be much better. BD is not slow by any means.


SpartanFX said:
^^^hopefully Sony will help the gaming division .gaming division did one for Sony and in 2009-2010 it will be Sony's turn to do something for the gaming division.

I find that doubtful. Nothing against Sony personally, but I find most executives to be morons that can't confront their own failures so they can right them for the good of the company. If anything, the executives at Sony have probably put the blame of the PS3's failures square on the gaming division, and won't take part in the blame themselves. No evidence. Just a hunch.

What they thought would happen is that the brand name was untouchable and they could throw every major R&D project into the PS3, charge a fortune, and have the PS2 audience jump ship just like that. Unfortunately they didn't realize people would see that the PS3 was a luxury most didn't need, all the way from the upgraded DVD to the 10% extra oomph in the graphics. It is nothing more than the excessive car package with leather seats, GPS system and DVD player screens for the backseats to watch. Some will splurge, but many will realize that they are fine with the basic car model without all the extra dazzle.


Tag: Became a freaking mod and a complete douche, coincidentally, at the same time.

LOL, yeah blu-ray a great success for Sony. Taking them from dominating the console industry for 2 gens straight, to dead last by long long way. Losing all their ps2 profits in the first 18 months of the ps3's life, was a genius business move.

The jump from VHS to DVD was large, it offered better picture, no rewinding etc. But the jump from DVD to Blu-ray is minimal, it only offers a higher resolution.
People with large dvd collection are not going to replace them with blu-ray disc's. They will be happy to keep going for dvd's and upscale them for a higher resolution.

For M$ and Nintendo's using blu-ray is unlikely, they are better of using a propriety disc type, maybe even hd-dvd. It reduces piracy if you use format that is not that common, making it harder to copy.

Sony have had long list of failed propriety formats fail, blu-ray will most likely be the next.


Gatorgamer88 said:

Even if you hate the PS3 or sony in general, you have to give an ode to the Blu ray. It took awhile but it is a hit, and will become the dominate media source in the coming years. And when microsoft releases the the next Xbox it will have to have Blu Ray capability. Congratulations Sony.....And whoever said that Blu ray is dead is ignorant so think twice next time


Don't tell me what I have to do


It's doing alright, but certainly not 'a hit'

The 720 certainly won't use Blu Ray. Microsoft have gone to incedible lengths to try to drive Sony out of the console business, why would they turn around and give them money. Mark my words, the 720 will feature a built in HD-dvd drieve for games, and dvd/downloadable for movies.


Feylick, the 2x BluRay drives used in the PS3 are slower than most dvd drives, and 4x Blu Ray drives are still expensive

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Feylic said:
Passenger57 said:
With BD's slow reading speeds, I doubt any next x console will be using it.

OMG will people stop spewing this BS. Learn something before you post please, or don't post at all, that would be much better. BD is not slow by any means.


the read speed depends on the size of the data (actual phsyical size) and the read speed.  smaller data is better and higher speed is better.  ps3 beats 360 in data size (blue/violet has a smaller wavelength than red) but 360 beats ps3 in speed 2x versus 12x or 16x, forgot which.  in the end it is the 360's speed which is a bigger advantage than ps3's data size.  if the disk speeds were the same, ps3 would blow 360 out of the water in read speed.


my pillars of gaming: kh, naughty dog, insomniac, ssb, gow, ff

i officially boycott boycotts.  crap.

I still love seeing people try to say;

1. Blu-ray will never overtake DVD.

2. Blu-ray in the PS3 was one of SCE's worst moves with PS#.

The reality is;

1. Blu-ray will not only take over for DVD, but exceed beyond what DVD ever was. Many factors are going to make this an easly achivable reality. The first thing that is going to make Blu-ray so popular is exactly what people keep saying is going to kill it. Every single Blu-ray player will do streaming rentals in some way in the very near future. Sony, Samsung, and LG have already released players that do so, and they are the best selling players on the market.

The next big advantage that Blu-ray will have over DVD is the expanding market. Very highly populated countries like China and India are starting to become part of the global market. In the next five years the growth is going to cause the market for games and movies to double. Just go look look up India and China and the expaniding market on Google.

The final reason why Blu-ray will easly steam roll DVD in a very short amount of time is due to production cost and b/c. Blu-ray may be expensive at the moment, but one of the things that has been touted about since the idea of BD was the inexpensive and envionmently freindlyness it can accomplish in time. As we move forward and the cost goes down into the $99 and then $50 price ranges over the next 2 years Blu-ray is going to be the only logical choice for consumers. Buying a player will make all their old movies look better, and Blu-ray movies will be down at a consumer freindly price point.

2. Blu-ray in the PS3 is one of the best things that could have ever happened to the system. Sure it may have given it a weak start, but a weak start means nothing in the long run. The advantages of Blu-ray are really starting to shine, and there are many examples of this coming next year. Games that can only be done thanks to the storage copacity of Blu-ray. Heavy rain is probably the best example of this. That amount of assets in the game combine with the amount of levels, and the quick pace would make a multi disc version a hassle. Many games coming in the next 12 months to PS3 are taking advantage of the space by making games that get away from reusing assets throught the experiance. These game will be very believable experinaces that only last 10 to 12 hours, but would be impossible to replicate with less than the 50GB available to their developer. If ported to the 360, these games would result in players switching discs every 45 minute to an hour. That is not an acceptable scenario.

Another huge advantage that Blu-ray is going to give PS3 is the ability to combine games and movies on one disc. We already saw this one time with the releas of Stranglehold which paked in the movie Hardboiled with the Special addition on the PS3. Over the next couple of years we have many movies based on games coming out, and the 100GB Blu-ray disc is going to become a very viable delivery platform in the near future due to extended knowledge on the format. This will allow Sony to package games like Uncharted with the movie based on the game all on one disc. This will help expand the market in a lot of differant ways, and I am very exited to see it happen in the future.

Finally, possibly the best thing about the inclusion of Blu-ray in the PS3 is something that I stated in the section about BR vs. DVD. Markets like India and China are growing, and at the current time they have not yet moved into this generation of consoles. To this point the only company that has stepped in and really given interest into these markets is Sony. As the average yearly income creeps up over the next couple of years in these countries and the prices of PS3 fall the two will have a nice meeting in the middle. This will help expand the PS3's market by a large number, and even better yet we will start to see games emerging out of these countires giving us even more new games, and making our gaming lifes even richer.

Stop hate, let others live the life they were given. Everyone has their problems, and no one should have to feel ashamed for the way they were born. Be proud of who you are, encourage others to be proud of themselves. Learn, research, absorb everything around you. Nothing is meaningless, a purpose is placed on everything no matter how you perceive it. Discover how to love, and share that love with everything that you encounter. Help make existence a beautiful thing.

Kevyn B Grams


scottie said:
Gatorgamer88 said:

Even if you hate the PS3 or sony in general, you have to give an ode to the Blu ray. It took awhile but it is a hit, and will become the dominate media source in the coming years. And when microsoft releases the the next Xbox it will have to have Blu Ray capability. Congratulations Sony.....And whoever said that Blu ray is dead is ignorant so think twice next time


Don't tell me what I have to do


It's doing alright, but certainly not 'a hit'

The 720 certainly won't use Blu Ray. Microsoft have gone to incedible lengths to try to drive Sony out of the console business, why would they turn around and give them money. Mark my words, the 720 will feature a built in HD-dvd drieve for games, and dvd/downloadable for movies.


Feylick, the 2x BluRay drives used in the PS3 are slower than most dvd drives, and 4x Blu Ray drives are still expensive

Hah!  I can really see Microsoft using a dead format for their next system.  That's the real media center they need!  News flash:  Blu-ray won the war.

Blu-ray reads universally faster than the DL-DVD that the 360 uses.  New things are always expensive.  Later, they drop in price.  Welcome to the economics of technology.



1. That may increase Blu-ray PLAYER adoption but if everyone is buying the players with the increased sole purpose of streaming movie rentals the media format won't have much success. Especially when you can now get much cheaper devices that do only that for $99 already.

2. I agree that there will be more and more games with increased textures and assets necessitating the need for more space than a single DVD-9...but looking at this objectively is anyone but the hardcore going to care? It may force Microsofts hand at slapping a disclaimer on future games with a 'HDD required' so developers can compress more with mandatory installs.

Don’t bother calling me a Blu-ray hater because I have two BD burners and several more players for work. I have begun to wonder if that was a mistake. The cost of hard disk space is falling much faster than BD.

1TB disk