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scottie said:
Gatorgamer88 said:

Even if you hate the PS3 or sony in general, you have to give an ode to the Blu ray. It took awhile but it is a hit, and will become the dominate media source in the coming years. And when microsoft releases the the next Xbox it will have to have Blu Ray capability. Congratulations Sony.....And whoever said that Blu ray is dead is ignorant so think twice next time


Don't tell me what I have to do


It's doing alright, but certainly not 'a hit'

The 720 certainly won't use Blu Ray. Microsoft have gone to incedible lengths to try to drive Sony out of the console business, why would they turn around and give them money. Mark my words, the 720 will feature a built in HD-dvd drieve for games, and dvd/downloadable for movies.


Feylick, the 2x BluRay drives used in the PS3 are slower than most dvd drives, and 4x Blu Ray drives are still expensive

Hah!  I can really see Microsoft using a dead format for their next system.  That's the real media center they need!  News flash:  Blu-ray won the war.

Blu-ray reads universally faster than the DL-DVD that the 360 uses.  New things are always expensive.  Later, they drop in price.  Welcome to the economics of technology.