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LOL, yeah blu-ray a great success for Sony. Taking them from dominating the console industry for 2 gens straight, to dead last by long long way. Losing all their ps2 profits in the first 18 months of the ps3's life, was a genius business move.

The jump from VHS to DVD was large, it offered better picture, no rewinding etc. But the jump from DVD to Blu-ray is minimal, it only offers a higher resolution.
People with large dvd collection are not going to replace them with blu-ray disc's. They will be happy to keep going for dvd's and upscale them for a higher resolution.

For M$ and Nintendo's using blu-ray is unlikely, they are better of using a propriety disc type, maybe even hd-dvd. It reduces piracy if you use format that is not that common, making it harder to copy.

Sony have had long list of failed propriety formats fail, blu-ray will most likely be the next.