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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - TMNT Wii game - even more details

more shovelware coming for wii yay!!!

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SSurTails said:
more shovelware coming for wii yay!!!

It's too early to cry foul, my friend. This might turn out good: two of Ubisoft's recent Wii games have been decent, at least, and there's some pedigree behind this one.

Granted Team Ninja is probably a hollow shell of its former self, but maybe that means the women will actually have a rear end this time (always wondered how the physics on the DoA girls was supposed to work).


Dark and edgy? Ugh.

Take me back to the '80s.

I want Turtles in Time 2.

Hi, this is Vince with Shamwow.

I agree with the people complaining on it being called edgy and dark. Unless it's edgy and dark like the original comic ( in B/W) before they were bought by Marvel, I'm not interested. if it is that kind of edgy and dark, than I am. I'm going to say it one more time. Edgy and dark.

Proud member of the SONIC SUPPORT SQUAD

Tag "Sorry man. Someone pissed in my Wheaties."

"There are like ten games a year that sell over a million units."  High Voltage CEO -  Eric Nofsinger

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quarashi said:
I want Turtles in Time 2.


second that one

Does anyone else think that dark and edgy could possibly hint to the 2K3 turtles? I liked those turtles.

I hope Venus is playable!

Currently playing: Wii Fit / The Sims 3

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amp316 said:
I agree with the people complaining on it being called edgy and dark. Unless it's edgy and dark like the original comic ( in B/W) before they were bought by Marvel, I'm not interested. if it is that kind of edgy and dark, than I am. I'm going to say it one more time. Edgy and dark.

Marvel? TMNT of what I know has nothing to do with Marvel and is still a Mirage Studios product. The original comic is being continued by Mirage Studios in volume 4 now days if I ain't wrong.

I hope the game will have the old style TMNT as they now or soon has toys out resembling the old comics Turtles. But the best think would be to have a few more styles like the first cartoon, maybe more styles and a game original style.


amp316 said:
I agree with the people complaining on it being called edgy and dark. Unless it's edgy and dark like the original comic ( in B/W) before they were bought by Marvel, I'm not interested. if it is that kind of edgy and dark, than I am. I'm going to say it one more time. Edgy and dark.

Well, as long as James Avery reprises his role as Shredder, and as long as they use the original theme song, I'll overlook this whole "dark and edgy" nonsense.