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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - Xbox 360 Sales Chart: August 4th

So we have another week, and on the heels of a major X360 announcement with the price drop. This is the calm before the storm.

This Wk Last Wk  Name Wk SalesTotal Sales % Drop  Wks in ReleaseExpected LTD 
 #1 #1 NCAA Football 2008 48,989 516,823 -54.0% 3 1,000,000
 #2 #2 Nascar 2008 30,239 100,398 -57.0% 2 250,000
 #3 #3 Guitar Hero 2 27,212 1,060,686 +1.8% 21 1,500,000+
 #4 #4 All Pro Football 2k8 11,599 88,336 -48.9% 3 235,000
 #5 #6 Gears of War 11,562 2,850,725 -3.4% 50 3,500,000
 #6 #11 Rainbow Six Vegas 10,699 1,049,067 +17.5% 45 1,200,000
 #7 #5 Overlord 10,689 159,357 -15.2% 6 255,000
 #8 #7 The Darkness 9,803 213,815 -17.0% 6 320,000
 #9 #10 Call of Duty 3 9,696 1,119,536 -5.0% 44 1,300,000
 #10 #9 Forza Motorsports 2 9,370 472,755 -8.9% 9 650,000

One can only wonder: with titles dropping so little (outside the new releaseses), how well will the older (10k area) software fare next week? Unlike the PS3, the X360 purchasers are going to be interested in games, and not HD-DVDs.

But I digress, overall, the week was fairly good. NCAA 08 dropped as expected, but managed 500k. Expect it to start seeing more typical (30-40%) drops for a week or two, and then level off once NCAA Football season starts. 1m is still possible, as it's more than half of there. Not only this, NCAA08 is already to 80% of it's predicessor's sales in just 3 weeks; very impressive.

Outside of this, drops were normal. Guitar Hero 2 got a small boost. Rainbow Six got a massive 17% boost. Possibly due to a price drop preparing for the hardware drop? Also, most everything else (sans the 3wk or newer games), had very very good drops.

I ask this of the X360 owners: which older games will get the biggest boost from the hardware pricecut? I think Gears will probably be the biggest boost. It's still the X360s killer app; and with H3 not out yet, perspective X360 owners might wind up with it to hold them over until H3 launches. Next, I think Guitar Hero 2 will see itself go above the 30k/wk mark for a little bit of time. Also, with few other racing options, I think Forza2 might stabilize in the 10k/wk mark for awhile.

This Wk  Last Wk Name Wk SalesTotal Sales % Drop  Wks in ReleaseExpected LTD 
 #1 #1 Elder Scrolls: Oblivion 10,030 53,536 -77.1% 2 100,000
 #2 #2 Ghost Recon: AW2 1,508 16,251 -28.6% 4 21,500
 #3 #3 Trusty Bell: Chopins Dream 1,159 66,695 -12.6% 8 80,000
 #4 #4 Saints Row 560 16,508 -15.6% 7 18,500
 #5 #5 Blue Dragon 536 194,997 -9.5% 35 200,000+
 #6 #6 Forza Motorsports 2 472 26,766 -7.5% 11 30,000
 #7 #7 Viva Pinata 440 18,156 +14.2% 30 20,000
 #8 #8 Dead Rising 286 79,551 -15.7% 45 80,000

A few notes about this week:

#1 Oblivion has done the impossible (atleast for an X360 game). 2 consecutive back-to-back weeks in the top 50. No game thus far for the x360 has managed this feat. Even Blue Dragon failed to reach the top 50 in it's second week (although it did manage getting back in, and charted at 39 in week 4). Even more impressive is how good it's second week is: 10k is very good for the game. Not only this, I believe it's trending to have good legs despite it's massive debut.

Why is that? According to Shinobi (which I assume is true), Oblivion sold 35,000 of it's 43,000 copies day-1. That means it only sold 4,000 per day for the next 2 days. Over the next week, Oblivion managed 1,432 units each day of a 7 day week. This means it's actual day-to-day drop was actually 65% - far lower than the 77% drop we see. This means Oblivion might shed 50% or less this coming week - a very good sign for Western RPGs, and X360 software.

#2. Graw continues to stomp it's predicessor. It's well past GRAW 1 now, and is in range of getting near Call of Duty 3 and Rainbow Six numbers. However, don't expect it to just stay on the charts for a long time - like Saints Row.

#3. Trusty Bell - ioi adjusted the numbers from the past few weeks. This put it to #2 for the year for the X360. Not only this, sales seems to be stabilizing. It should stay in the 800-1200 area for quite some time. Also, it should, within a few weeks, overtake Blue Dragon as the top-selling X360 game of the year.

Outside of the top 3, nothing real amazing. SR and DR keep dropping like rocks. VP, FM2, and BD continue having some sort of strength to stay in the top 200. VP is suprisingly strong. It's hovered around the 500 area for months now. IMO, I think that a VP Party Animals game in Japa would do real well.

 For those that care; the top 5 X360 games of 2007 in Japan:

Blue Dragon (2006)  68,232
Trusty Bell: Chopins Dream 66,695
Gears of War 66,292
Elder Scrolls: Oblivion 53,536
The IdolM@ster  49,555

The great thing is that compared to last year, this year's top titles are nor only consistent, but far outweighing last year's. Last year, we had: DOA 45,595, RR6 35918, LP 43,050

Blue Dragon  126,765
Dead or Alive X2 63,859
Dead Rising  54,017
Dead or Alive 4 (2005) 45,595
Lost Planet 43,050

So ironically, only #1 Blue Dragon (on both charts) is the only game that sold better in the top 5 versus last year. This is remarkable in the fact that the top-5 is so much stronger in 2007. Best yet, 3 of the 5 titles are are still charting.


Back from the dead, I'm afraid.

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So PS3 owners are interested in hddvds more then 360 owners..... ok.

yeah Killzone stop being a smartass what he meant by HD is the quality, and blu ray is a HD technology..... now when you see the accuracy of is predictions on the website I'm pretty he has a better sens of analyze than you...
and in all honnest if it's not for blu ray you buy a PS3 it's for what ???? 2008 games ??? (ok last one was a flame magnet)

Nice work again. But the weeks in release can't be right
And the expected LTD numbers for GH2 can't be right. A 0 to much. :D


I said that the X360 owners wouldn't be interested in their High Def format, therefore would see a larger software increase.

IE, the PS3 sold 130% more hardware units per week, but software sales (total) were up only 15%/week. This was caused most likely due to the great Blu-Ray bundling (5 BR-DVDs w/ a PS3). The X360 has no such deal, so the X360 purchasers are going to be focusing more on games than the PS3 did after its drop.

Back from the dead, I'm afraid.

Around the Network
thibje said:
Nice work again. But the weeks in release can't be right
And the expected LTD numbers for GH2 can't be right. A 0 to much. :D

What do you mean a 0 too much. It's almost there.


On Topic

I was gonna say Oblivion may see a boost but the GOTY Edition is coming out. Maybe Rainbow Six, Lost Planet & Dead Rising. We may see automatic boosts for bundled games. I heard there is supposed to be a bundle with Table Tennis in Canada.

Love the product, not the company. They love your money, not you.


This was a great week for the 360 really, I thought it would drop to 20k levels because of the price cut info leaking, but apparently that didn't get around too much.

I think the games to get the biggest software boost should be Gears of War, Dead Rising (probably), maybe even Viva Pinata if some more families get 360s but that's stretching it.

Other games that should see possible boosts are other big 360 games, Lost Planet, Oblivion, Rainbow Six...

This price cut week will be interesting to see just what effect the 50 dollar cut has.

Thanks to Blacksaber for the sig!

mrstickball said:
IE, the PS3 sold 130% more hardware units per week, but software sales (total) were up only 15%/week. This was caused most likely due to the great Blu-Ray bundling (5 BR-DVDs w/ a PS3). The X360 has no such deal, so the X360 purchasers are going to be focusing more on games than the PS3 did after its drop.

Hey, extra 130% byers is just about 20 000 consoles per week. If every consumer buy 1 game? it's about 20 000 extra games per week. 20/160=12% up in sales!

It's not newcomers buy games, it's all install base buy games. And 1 500 000 PS3 owners buyng about 160 000 games. AR=0.1

6 000 000 X360 owners buying 360 000 games. AR=0.06

So, who is more interested in games?

Goddbless said:
thibje said:
Nice work again. But the weeks in release can't be right
And the expected LTD numbers for GH2 can't be right. A 0 to much. :D

What do you mean a 0 too much. It's almost there.


 There stood actually 1,5000,000 expected LTD GH2 numbers



Thanks for the update on the charts mrstickball, its nice to see Overlord still selling, it was a great game. Gears of war still kicking ass aswell, but i wonder if Gears will still sell when halo3 comes out.

mrstickball could you include charts like this for PS3 games if its not too much extra work.