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Forums - Sales Discussion - A thread about Sheep, Boys, Men, the PS3 and whether or not you have balls.

Squilliam said:

Seperate the men from the sheep/boys.



 hmmmm remove sheep/

and it looks oddly familiar ??? nope cant put my finger on it !!!

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Right, forgot to give props for the bible -> bundle comment. Good shit!

Just wanted to add, sometimes it's damn hard sticking to your guns and not getting caught up in the moment. There's one game in particular recently I've sorta flip-flopped on (less than others, but did lose some faith), but when you look at this it's hard not to.

Region Japan America Others Total
Total Sales 0.18m 0.17m 0.00m 0.35m
Week 1 106,910 80,231 n/a 187,141
Week 2 39,756 46,760 n/a 86 516
Week 3 22,012 40,732 n/a 62,744
Week 4 15,063 n/a n/a 15,063

See above? Only now it looks like this:

Region Japan America Others Total
Total Sales 0.22m 0.56m 0.44m 1.22m
Week 1 106,910 80,231 93,559 280,700
Week 2 39,756 46,760 134,451 220,967
Week 3 22,012 40,732 121,290 184,034
Week 4 15,063 46,979 88,871 150,913
Week 5 9,829 74,060 n/a 83,889
Week 6 9,058 152,547 n/a 161,605
Week 7 11,040 119,325 n/a 130,365
Week 8 10,556 n/a n/a 10,556

Can't... get used to that...

Avinash_Tyagi said:

When Sony yelled out Riiiidddge Racer, Massive Damage, $599 and Real Time Weapon Change, I knew they would be defeated


massive damage was awesome

Check out my game about moles ^

I've always believed that bad consumer perception will hinder any gains the PS3 is set to have with their actons. That and the 360's similar games.

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blazinhead89 said:
FishyJoe said:
Mario Kart Wii is soon to be the #1 racing game of all time.

In Sales Yes. Thats about it


In fun? 

I definitely think so, but I absolutely hate racing sims more than any other genre. It's so frigging boring. I do think GT5P looks insane though.

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noname2200 said:
mibuokami said:

Surely being last doesn't stop you from enjoying the games :p This gen in particular seem to have no loser thus far when it comes to quality games


No, but as a veteran of the N64 and Gamecube days I know that low units sold= less 3rd party games. And I like my third party games...

Although I'll drink to your last sentence. Here's hoping it keeps up!


The difference is that N64 has shared really few software with other console, the PS3 will share alot of software that will be available on 360 because developing cost on HD is high so Publishers see PS3+Xbox360 like one single userbase.

I don't really think the "battle" for the second position si relevant cause IMO 360 and PS3 will be virtually tied in the end, one will sell a little better but like the Snes/Genesis "battle" it  will be a phyrric victory.

IMO both Sony and MS are unlikely to  recoup the investment they made on their respective console and Nintendo will gain the major benefit from the current generation.

To me the real battle is about the two different business models/set of values keep on by MS/Sony and Nintendo. 


 “In the entertainment business, there are only heaven and hell, and nothing in between and as soon as our customers bore of our products, we will crash.”  Hiroshi Yamauchi

TAG:  Like a Yamauchi pimp slap delivered by Il Maelstrom; serving it up with style.

Squilliam said:

You can't use previous generations to really predict whats going to happen in the current generation. The generations have all been different with different circumstances, and this generation isn't playing out like any previous one. Just like the Germans could still surprise the allies with the battle of the Bulge I would say people are under-estimating the response Sony can make, just as people thought Microsoft was completely out of the game 6 months ago.  

Squilliam, I enjoy reading your threads, and I have a lot of respect for you as a poster. With that said, this is one of the dumbest things I've ever seen you write.

This is the standard analyst cop-out explanation. "Oh no! This generation is so different from all the others! No one could have predicted what would happen! It's not our fault that were we horribly inaccurate!" It's pure bull. Yes, there are always some differences in each generation, but the larger trends remain the same. Here are a few of them:

- Within one year of all platforms appearing, a clear market leader emerges and establishes dominance.
- The console with the largest library of highly desired exclusive games always comes out on top, because software sales are what drives hardware sales. I devoted a whole thread to showing this, the fact that Wii is succeeding because of tremendous first-party software sales. It's not about technology - it's about games.
- Market leading platforms eventually see a movement of third-party developers towards them. Secondary platforms slowly see an eroding of developer support. This has never not happened, and it is slowly ongoing right now.
- Lifetime platform sales always work on a bell curve, starting out low and then peaking somewhere around year 3 (give or take one year) before slowing down again. There has never been a succesful console or handheld that had sales declining year over year entering the third year.

I could keep going, but I think the point is obvious. Any time someone throws up their hands and says "this generation is different from all the others!", they aren't paying attention. (Or, more likely, they're trying to offer a fanboy explanation for why their console of choice isn't succeeding.) Nothing really shocking has happened this generation. Once it became clear that the Wii was a huge hit, it was obvious that it would become the market leader in all three regions. I was convinced of this as early as April 2007: when it became clear that the PS3's European launch was not going to propel it past the Wii. Did anyone who wasn't a fanboy expect GTA to kill the Wii? That certainly wasn't surprising. The relative decline of PS3 sales this holiday is the single most surprising thing to happen in the last 12 months, IMO.

If you're going to throw out past trends to try and predict the future, what's the point of this website at all? You might as well do what the ancient Greeks did, and look at sheep entrails for predictions.

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End of 2008 totals: Wii 42m, 360 24m, PS3 18.5m (made Jan. 4, 2008)

I play soccer and basket ball, sometimes baseball, but mostly I cycle - competatively, though the wheel too is round it lacks the visual ovature that a sphere would possess.



Edit- Oh I see, no my Ps3's hardware hasn't changed,  my perception of it hasn't changed either, I think it's hell of useful, does similar things that my PC would do and allows me to be ignorant to all things tech.

I'm Unamerica and you can too.

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The Hunt Begins 4/20/2010 =D

If Sony doesn't have a price cut in the first half of 2009 I think it's over for Sony. I'm not just talking about third place being a certainty but that it will affect future Sony consoles as well. I'm noticing more and more in North America that the PlayStation name is simply becoming irrelevant.

It's shocking really to see how quickly it's happening to what was a really strong brand name. I also think North America is a glimpse of what will happen in Europe in the next few years or next generation if Sony can't get its act together. In fact I think we'll see the 360 dominate in software sales over the PS3 in Europe this time next year like they do now in North America.

Legend11 said:

If Sony doesn't have a price cut in the first half of 2009 I think it's over for Sony.


Funny thing is that if they do price-cut, it's over for Sony anyways (hint: bankrupcy)