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Right, forgot to give props for the bible -> bundle comment. Good shit!

Just wanted to add, sometimes it's damn hard sticking to your guns and not getting caught up in the moment. There's one game in particular recently I've sorta flip-flopped on (less than others, but did lose some faith), but when you look at this it's hard not to.

Region Japan America Others Total
Total Sales 0.18m 0.17m 0.00m 0.35m
Week 1 106,910 80,231 n/a 187,141
Week 2 39,756 46,760 n/a 86 516
Week 3 22,012 40,732 n/a 62,744
Week 4 15,063 n/a n/a 15,063

See above? Only now it looks like this:

Region Japan America Others Total
Total Sales 0.22m 0.56m 0.44m 1.22m
Week 1 106,910 80,231 93,559 280,700
Week 2 39,756 46,760 134,451 220,967
Week 3 22,012 40,732 121,290 184,034
Week 4 15,063 46,979 88,871 150,913
Week 5 9,829 74,060 n/a 83,889
Week 6 9,058 152,547 n/a 161,605
Week 7 11,040 119,325 n/a 130,365
Week 8 10,556 n/a n/a 10,556

Can't... get used to that...