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Forums - Sales Discussion - A thread about Sheep, Boys, Men, the PS3 and whether or not you have balls.

Seperate the men from the sheep/boys.

I see a lot of people acting like they "knew this situation would happen all along". But who here really had the foresight to predict the current situation and the balls to state it publicly? This isn't about me, its about the people who are going along with the crowd and just repeating the general mindset of the forums.

Im not talking about predictions made in 2007 when Xbox 360 fever was still rife in the forum, try middle of 2008 when it was the same story every week. (PS3 > Xbox 360). So are the people really thinking for themselves when they post "knowingly" in the PS3 doomed threads? Its the same situation where people were calling the Xbox 360 doomed not too long ago. Heres the logic I think is being applied by 90% of the people on those PS3 doomed threads:

Reach conclusion first, support with reasoning and justify with 'evidence'.

The "conclusion" is of course the general consensus on the forum. Its pretty funny if I were to do a thread count, I would find a vast majority of Xbox 360 doomed threads just about the time when the "consensus" was that the PS3 would win, and soon.

What happened to the PS3's strengths? Do they not exist anymore?

Im still 50/50 as to whether the PS3 will outsell the Xbox 360 for Q3/Q4 next year. I find it hard to believe that anyone can come up with a conclusion about SCEs strengths/weaknesses when so much is clouded in uncertainty.

  • We do NOT know the effect of even a $50 pricecut. We know that the PS3 can still command a premium price, and even a $50 cut in price could do a lot to stimulate sales. Heck even $350 vs $250 360 premium may go in Sonys favour as people find the price of the PS3 within their tolerance of expense and choose the perceived "better" console. The question really is: What is the PS3s magic price point? 
  • Little Big Planet is an obvious permament bundle for the PS3. Its easy to play, it gets people using the online functionality and it could appeal to a wider audience. Something which adds value to the PS3 without cutting the price can't be sniffed at. They can even use it as a revenue source with paid content.
  • They have an opportunity to add value with their 160gb PS3 and backwards compatibility. If people are willing to pay $100 for a black paint job and 60gb HDD space on the 360 Elite, im sure they could get away with selling the PS3 160gb with BC for a $100/150 premium and actually MAKE MONEY on the SKU. The PS2 is still $129, with a $20 memory card required, so there will be people who'd pay the price of a PS2 just to have the same capabilities in their PS3 purchase.
  • Home may be a place for dirty pervs and losers , but it still adds extra value for people as a free MMO type experience. They are becoming more popular, its a network effect really. The more PS3s they sell and the more people use Home, the more added value it brings for potential PS3 customers.
  • GT5 is to racing games, what Halo is to first person shooters. That is if you multiply it by 2-3*. Gran Turismo is still THE racing game. I know of people who build special racing simulators for that game, its insane but also extremely popular. No point in mentioning other games, but at this point I would call GT5 the only BIG system seller left for the HD consoles. Halo fans may buy other shooters, but a lot of GT5 fans buy no other racers.

So really, im not at all pleased with the way people play "follow the leader" around here. I've seen people recant predictions made on their signatures, only to have them magically return and gleefully show it off when the tides turn. All I really ask is that people think for themselves rather than be ruled by the crowd or by their secret, intimate fanboy desires.





Around the Network

What is it with New Zealanders and their sheep?

And yeah, I've noticed this too. It's fun to see public opinion sway too and fro, depending on which month it is.

noname2200 said:
What is it with New Zealanders and their sheep?

And yeah, I've noticed this too. It's fun to see public opinion sway too and fro, depending on which month it is.

Lulz! Yeah, its annoying seeing how noone really thinks about the actual situation. They really just repeat what the general consensus believes.



I knew you would make this thread.


EDIT: actually I didn't, but I have balls for admitting that, right? Also I can't technically be a sheep if no one has said it first. What situation am I in at the moment?


Oh and on topic, I didn't know that the current situation for any of the 3 consoles was going to end up like this, but through the decisions that each company took and looking at what happened month after month, it became a bit clearer.

Gran Turismo's days as a mega franchise are long over.
It used to be the only racing sim out there, now it's not even the best.
Forza's a more accurate simulator, and it's on a cheaper console.

Yet, today, America's leaders are reenacting every folly that brought these great powers [Russia, Germany, and Japan] to ruin -- from arrogance and hubris, to assertions of global hegemony, to imperial overstretch, to trumpeting new 'crusades,' to handing out war guarantees to regions and countries where Americans have never fought before. We are piling up the kind of commitments that produced the greatest disasters of the twentieth century.
 — Pat Buchanan – A Republic, Not an Empire

Around the Network

Mario Kart Wii is soon to be the #1 racing game of all time.

FishyJoe said:
Mario Kart Wii is soon to be the #1 racing game of all time.


Tyrannical said:
Gran Turismo's days as a mega franchise are long over.
It used to be the only racing sim out there, now it's not even the best.
Forza's a more accurate simulator, and it's on a cheaper console.

Accuracy != fun.


Squilliam said:

Seperate the men from the sheep/boys.

I see a lot of people acting like they "knew this situation would happen all along". But who here really had the foresight to predict the current situation and the balls to state it publicly? This isn't about me, its about the people who are going along with the crowd and just repeating the general mindset of the forums.

Im not talking about predictions made in 2007 when Xbox 360 fever was still rife in the forum, try middle of 2008 when it was the same story every week. (PS3 > Xbox 360). So are the people really thinking for themselves when they post "knowingly" in the PS3 doomed threads? Its the same situation where people were calling the Xbox 360 doomed not too long ago. Heres the logic I think is being applied by 90% of the people on those PS3 doomed threads:

Reach conclusion first, support with reasoning and justify with 'evidence'.

The "conclusion" is of course the general consensus on the forum. Its pretty funny if I were to do a thread count, I would find a vast majority of Xbox 360 doomed threads just about the time when the "consensus" was that the PS3 would win, and soon.

What happened to the PS3's strengths? Do they not exist anymore?

Im still 50/50 as to whether the PS3 will outsell the Xbox 360 for Q3/Q4 next year. I find it hard to believe that anyone can come up with a conclusion about SCEs strengths/weaknesses when so much is clouded in uncertainty.

  • We do NOT know the effect of even a $50 pricecut. We know that the PS3 can still command a premium price, and even a $50 cut in price could do a lot to stimulate sales. Heck even $350 vs $250 360 premium may go in Sonys favour as people find the price of the PS3 within their tolerance of expense and choose the perceived "better" console. The question really is: What is the PS3s magic price point? 
  • Little Big Planet is an obvious permament bundle for the PS3. Its easy to play, it gets people using the online functionality and it could appeal to a wider audience. Something which adds value to the PS3 without cutting the price can't be sniffed at. They can even use it as a revenue source with paid content.
  • They have an opportunity to add value with their 160gb PS3 and backwards compatibility. If people are willing to pay $100 for a black paint job and 60gb HDD space on the 360 Elite, im sure they could get away with selling the PS3 160gb with BC for a $100/150 premium and actually MAKE MONEY on the SKU. The PS2 is still $129, with a $20 memory card required, so there will be people who'd pay the price of a PS2 just to have the same capabilities in their PS3 purchase.
  • Home may be a place for dirty pervs and losers , but it still adds extra value for people as a free MMO type experience. They are becoming more popular, its a network effect really. The more PS3s they sell and the more people use Home, the more added value it brings for potential PS3 customers.
  • GT5 is to racing games, what Halo is to first person shooters. That is if you multiply it by 2-3*. Gran Turismo is still THE racing game. I know of people who build special racing simulators for that game, its insane but also extremely popular. No point in mentioning other games, but at this point I would call GT5 the only BIG system seller left for the HD consoles. Halo fans may buy other shooters, but a lot of GT5 fans buy no other racers.

So really, im not at all pleased with the way people play "follow the leader" around here. I've seen people recant predictions made on their signatures, only to have them magically return and gleefully show it off when the tides turn. All I really ask is that people think for themselves rather than be ruled by the crowd or by their secret, intimate fanboy desires.





Completely irrelevant if you own a PC? Sorry, couldn't resist, you're a PC dude, you understand!

FishyJoe said:
Mario Kart Wii is soon to be the #1 racing game of all time.

In Sales Yes. Thats about it