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Forums - General Discussion - Two questions about star wars

I was watching star wars earlier and two questions occurred to me...

1. If Princess Leia is Queen Amidalas daughter and her only know child (Luke doesn't count), the why is Leia still known as Princess Leia after Queen Amidala dies?

2. Everyone seems to be farming on Tatooine, throughout the originals everyone seems to be a farmer talking about bringing crops in for the season. But the planet is famed for having no water, so what plants could they possibly be growing and why would it be important enough to live in such an inhospitable environment?


Right, what are the answers to these questions?

Also, if anyone else has questions about plot holes please feel free to ask them (Any film)

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1. Leia had a father (supposed father, she didn't know Vader was the real one) who was still alive in IV.

2 - It's a freaking alien planet. Lucas could come up with whatever BS he felt like.
Example: Alien plant needs no water. Done.

My question - Why does Donald Duck wears a towel around his waist when he gets out of the shower, if he never wears pants?

MrBubbles is very amused....

"I like my steaks how i like my women.  Bloody and all over my face"

"Its like sex, but with a winner!"

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Why the hell do the rebels shoot at the Jedis, when it is obvious they will just return them? If they can shoot laser, surely they could shoot bullets. Why not use bullets, which would be destroyed, rather than reflected?

That is VGChartz LONGEST review. And it's NOT Cute Kitten DS

highwaystar101 said:

I was watching star wars earlier and two questions occurred to me...

1. If Princess Leia is Queen Amidalas daughter and her only know child (Luke doesn't count), the why is Leia still known as Princess Leia after Queen Amidala dies?

2. Everyone seems to be farming on Tatooine, throughout the originals everyone seems to be a farmer talking about bringing crops in for the season. But the planet is famed for having no water, so what plants could they possibly be growing and why would it be important enough to live in such an inhospitable environment?


Right, what are the answers to these questions?

Also, if anyone else has questions about plot holes please feel free to ask them (Any film)


They farm moisture from the atmosphere to turn it into water.

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Why does anyone still watch Star Wars after George Lucas has defecated on multiple occasions all over the entire franchise?

We had two bags of grass, seventy-five pellets of mescaline, five sheets of high-powered blotter acid, a salt shaker half full of cocaine, a whole galaxy of multi-colored uppers, downers, screamers, laughers…Also a quart of tequila, a quart of rum, a case of beer, a pint of raw ether and two dozen amyls.  The only thing that really worried me was the ether.  There is nothing in the world more helpless and irresponsible and depraved than a man in the depths of an ether binge. –Raoul Duke

It is hard to shed anything but crocodile tears over White House speechwriter Patrick Buchanan's tragic analysis of the Nixon debacle. "It's like Sisyphus," he said. "We rolled the rock all the way up the mountain...and it rolled right back down on us...."  Neither Sisyphus nor the commander of the Light Brigade nor Pat Buchanan had the time or any real inclination to question what they were doing...a martyr, to the bitter end, to a "flawed" cause and a narrow, atavistic concept of conservative politics that has done more damage to itself and the country in less than six years than its liberal enemies could have done in two or three decades. -Hunter S. Thompson

1. Leia was princess because she was adopted by the ruler of Alderan(sp), she was the princess from that planet, and it had no baring on who her real mother was.

2. Snesboy is correct. They were moisture farmers.

TheRealMafoo said:
1. Leia was princess because she was adopted by the ruler of Alderan(sp), she was the princess from that planet, and it had no baring on who her real mother was.

2. Snesboy is correct. They were moisture farmers.


I didn't ever think of that.

saying "its just a movie, durr" is sort of a copout. Explaining stuff within the universe is the best way to go.

1. Since Anakin grew up on Tatooine, WHY THE HELL DID HE NEVER LOOK AT TATOOINE when he was looking for his son?

2. Why don't they just make bullets out of kryptonite if bad guys wanted to kill superman?

That Guy said:
saying "its just a movie, durr" is sort of a copout. Explaining stuff within the universe is the best way to go.

1. Since Anakin grew up on Tatooine, WHY THE HELL DID HE NEVER LOOK AT TATOOINE when he was looking for his son?

2. Why don't they just make bullets out of kryptonite if bad guys wanted to kill superman?


Except he wasn't looking for his son those 20 years between Episode III and IV. He realized Luke was his son until Episode IV when Luke was about to blow up the Death Star. That's when Vader became obsessed with finding his son.


Because then we would have no more terrible superman movies.