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Forums - Gaming Discussion - AMERICA'S top 20 most loved games of all time revealed!

I have a small issue with the fact that with the exception of Goldeneye and Ocarina of Time, all of the games on the list were released in the 21st Century.

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this is okay list... but any lis like this leaving off super mario brothers 3 is just sad.... that was and still is the penical of 2d platforming.... i remember playing super mario world and being let down that it was not as cool as super mario brothers 3


edit my bad? i didnt see it the first time, though there does seem to be some issues viewing the thread

come play minecraft @

minecraft name: hansrotec

XBL name: Goddog

Where is Super Metroid?

It's not a bad list, but I wonder where Mario 3 is also.

On top of that, if it really is an "all-time" list, then Pac-man should be one there as well really. That game was bigger than life when it came out.


Wii Code:



XBOX LIVE: Comrade Tovya 2


RolStoppable said:
If those games were so loved, their titles would have been spelled correctly.



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Where is Final Fantasy VII, Kingdom Hearts, Pokemon (pick color), Super Mario Bros. 1, Street Fighter II ANYONE???, Crash Bandicoot, Mortal Kombat II, Contra, Asteroids, Pitfall, Pacman, for the love of god, Pacman!!!, among others...

And prepare for this bomb:


Edit: I saw Megaman 2 and SMB 3, i didn't see it the 1st time...

megaman2 said:


1. Ocarina of time


What version of Zelda is this??? This aint Ocarina of Time.... No way...



Face the future.. Gamecenter ID: nikkom_nl (oh no he didn't!!) 

NiKKoM said:
megaman2 said:


1. Ocarina of time


What version of Zelda is this??? This aint Ocarina of Time.... No way...


it is type in ocarina of time in google and it will come up


Why is the SMB3 TV series box listed instead of the game box?

How is MP3 on that list when MP/SM aren't?

No Super Mario Bros. / Super Mario 64?

This list fails.

@ NiKKoM,

I recognise that area from the Forest temple. It's definitely from Ocarina.