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Forums - Gaming Discussion - If Sony drops the PS3 price, will the 360 continue to outsell it?

Simply put? NO!

The ONLY reason the 360 even has a slight lead on it now is becuase they took a price cut. The PS3 has already proven to be in higher demand at a higher price point then the 360. People are willing to spend more on it regardless. Yet there is a limit when the competition is 200 cheaper and only costs 200. Sony can take a 50 price cut and they will start outselling them again. Mark my words...




Greatness Awaits

PSN:Forevercloud (looking for Soul Sacrifice Partners!!!)

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PS3 would still be outselling X360 if the economical crisis hadn't turned on. When it begun, the X360 price cute finally got noticeable at mainstream consumers' eyes.
A pricecut would do huge things for PS3, but it would need to be a $100 pricecut to consistently outsell X360, even in America.






It depends how much the price cut is. Are we talking $50? $100? $200? Each would likely have different results. Also are we talking about this in the terms that once Sony does cut the price of the PS3 that Microsoft doesn't follow suit?

Tag: Became a freaking mod and a complete douche, coincidentally, at the same time.

When Sony is in a position to drop the price, MS will be in a better position to match it and so continue the current sales trend.

it would for the first month or so and by a good margine.... after that, the new standard level wil be interesting...

I expect the 360 to have some sort of reduction next year around october either a real price drop, or elimination of the arcade and pro lowering to 199.

the more important thing is when sony drops the price, and i am starting to think the best time to do it will be right after the 360 does theirs it needs to be a week or two latter... this would carry the price drop through the holidays, and have a larger over all effect for the year.

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minecraft name: hansrotec

XBL name: Goddog

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It depends of the price cut ... It it's a 50$ price cut, this will be hard but not impossible, if it's a 100$ price cut, yes it will outsell the 360.

RPG said:
leatherhat said:
It probably will, then we will have "oh noes xbox is doomed" threads, until microsoft drops price again. Its a cycle of sales


TBH I cant wait for the turn of PS3 owners, the amount of PS3 hate I have seen is atrocious.


Does the PS3 not deserve it? Why does it cost so much still? Dont say Blu-Ray because Blu-Ray players are now under $250. It deserves all the backlash it gets, Sony thinks it can rebundle the system with a bigger hard drive and keep the price the same, YAY!!!

Had to change my sig to get some moderator to quit bitching about it......


Onyxmeth said:

It depends how much the price cut is. Are we talking $50? $100? $200? Each would likely have different results. Also are we talking about this in the terms that once Sony does cut the price of the PS3 that Microsoft doesn't follow suit?

IMO, the 360 could follow suit but seeing as IT is ALREADY Mass Market price, a further price cut wont have as big as an effect. PS3 Has yet to enjoy the Mass Market Price whereas 360 has.

It will.

Play my LittleBigPlanet level: Mystic Runner. Thanks!

goddog said:
it would for the first month or so and by a good margine.... after that, the new standard level wil be interesting...

I expect the 360 to have some sort of reduction next year around october either a real price drop, or elimination of the arcade and pro lowering to 199.

the more important thing is when sony drops the price, and i am starting to think the best time to do it will be right after the 360 does theirs it needs to be a week or two latter... this would carry the price drop through the holidays, and have a larger over all effect for the year.


Their best strategy for that (if they can afford it, which I doubt) is a price cut in february-march, and another one right after MS does theirs (both with 50$ for example?).