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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Upcoming ports for the Wii.

I think that no other port has been recently announced, but there are some still upcoming. Most from Nintendo


Rygar: Battle for Argus (PS2)
Rogue Trooper (Xbox)
REmake (GC)
Dead Rising: Chop Til You Drop (X360)
Mario Power Tennis (GC)
Pikmin (GC)
Pikmin 2 (GC)
Metroid Prime (GC)
Metroid Prime 2 (GC)
Chibi Robo (GC)
Donkey Kong Jungle Beat (GC)
Phantom Brave (PS2)
Kore (Xbox) (Was almost finished for the Xbox and got cancelled, maybe shouldnt count)
Romance of the Three Kingdoms XI (PS2)
Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles: Echoes of Time (DS)
Runaway 2 (PC)
Sam and Max Season 2 (PC)
Roogoo (PC)

Ports already released include

Prince of Persia: Warrior Within
Drive: Parallel Lines
RE Zero
Resident Evil 4
Monster Jam
GT Pro Series
Rock Band
Sam & Max Season 1
Blazing Angels: Squadrons of WWII
Mini Desktop Racing
London Taxi: Rush Hour
Rig Racer 2
Sengoku Basara
Cocoto Kart Racer
Cocoto Magic Circus
Cocoto Fishing Master
Anubis II
Action Girlz Racing
Counter Force
Billy the Wizard
Ninja Breadman
Dave Mirra BMX Challenge
Death Jr Root of Evil
World Championship Poker
Call for Heroes: Pompolic Wars
Monster Trux
Earache: Extreme Metal Racing
Secret Files: Tunguska
Brothers in Arms: Double Time
The Godfather
Medal of Honor Heroes 2
Pirates vs Ninjas: Dodgeball
Target Terror
Cake Mania
King of Clubs
Harvest Moon Magical Melody
Rockstar Table Tennis
Alien Syndrome
Ghost Squad
House of the Dead 2&3
Samba de Amigo
Sega Bass Fishing
Super Swing Golf
CSI Hard Evidence
Far Cry Vengeance
Splinter Cell Double Agent
Monster 4x4 World Circuit
Rebel Raiders: Operation Nighthawk

Ughhh. That's a lot!! Poor Wii been getting the shaft its first years, but now it looks that no many ports are coming up.
Not that I hate them, but man developers should support the Wii with new games!!

Around the Network

Some good classic games coming to Wii.

I didn't know Pikmin 2, Metroid Prime and Metroid Prime 2 were going to hit the Wii as well? Awesome! I hope they'll do a port of Dance Dance Mario, while they're at it.

PLAYSTATION®3 is the future.....NOW.......B_E_L_I_E_V_E

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You won't see me complaining. More games for the library, even if they were made for some other platform first. Lots of great games in that list.

"The worst part about these reviews is they are [subjective]--and their scores often depend on how drunk you got the media at a Street Fighter event."  — Mona Hamilton, Capcom Senior VP of Marketing
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Really some aren't bad at all and sometimes improve the game cause of the Wii controls and graphics, and it's not like other consoles haven't got their fair share of ports, now what Wii has is low quality ports at times, but these are made to get on the gravy train of huge hardware sales before quality titles are pumped out in masses and their software costs them more money to put it on disc then sales they would get, so it's all a cycle.

MaxwellGT2000 - "Does the amount of times you beat it count towards how hardcore you are?"

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Around the Network

Yeah well Dead Rising is not really a port.
Even the devs said that.

Wow that's a hell of alot of ports. Would be keen on Pikmin 2 but wish they'd just hurry up and get Pikmin 3 out instead of trying to make money off an old game. Metroid ports I am okay with as there is no Prime 4 in development whose release would be delayed by the ports.

Biggest Pikmin Fan on VGChartz I was chosen by default due to voting irregularities

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Never noticed there were so many, but I don't really think it's a bad thing. It gives people who missed out on good games last generation a chance to play them. I can't wait to try Metroid Prime with the wiiremote, MP3 was the first 1st person shooter/adventure that felt natural to play (to me).

Dead Rising will probably be a ripoff. 360 version only costs $20 now

@ tuoyo

the pikmin 2 port isnt slowing pikmin 3. Its my understanding that all the 'play on wii' games are being developed skip. team pikmin at EAD isnt invoilved i dont think. these ports probably just stopping them making a crazy new IP that probably wont get released outside japan anyway

 nintendo fanboy, but the good kind

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