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Forums - Sony Discussion - The woods for the trees: No the PS3 isn't doomed FFS!

Squilliam > All those drama queens that ruin these great forums with far to many daft critical threads of the most technologicaly advanced console of all time.

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The Yen has a big impact on the PS3 and you also forgot to note the lower PS2 and PSP sales this year. That will have an even bigger impact on Sony because those 2 were bringing the profits.

How many cups of darkness have I drank over the years? Even I don't know...


im in love with this thread

dd if = /dev/brain | tail -f | grep games | nc -lnvvp 80

Hey Listen!

Thank you, I was just about to make a less intelligent sounding thread on this very subject.....Good Job as usual.



(ON a side note, why don't you have Uncharted or RnC Future: TOD yet?)

Check us out at the Vindication Gamer Network on Youtube. 

PS3 software may be up, but PS2 and PSP software sales are down.

Even though costs of goods may be less, since the revenue generated is a greater number, the net effect is loss if one applies the same percentage of currency offset.

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NJ5 said:

The terrible burden of the Yens increased buying power. Actually its only really a burden if they convert profits back into the Yen as the PS3 itself is manufactured abroad.

It all depends on what currencies production is paid in. They manufacture in China. The Yen strengthened 12% against the Yuan (Chinese currency), but it strengthened much more (20-65%) against the dollar, euro, British Pound, AU dollar, CA dollar etc, which are the currencies they sell the most consoles in.

The only way they aren't getting affected by the Yen's strength is if they pay for manufacturing in dollars or Euros, which doesn't seem likely to me considering Sony's declarations to investors.


As I said earlier, its only an issue when they convert their profits back. The recession itself does a good job of making most of the components cheaper to manufacture. The actual material costs of the PS3, barring longer term contracts should if renegotiated at current rates come down significantly. I doubt that assembly alone is a significant part of the total costs for the PS3.



The number of first and second party releases hitting next year will earn them even greater revenue. A much larger percentage of their software sold next year will be 1st and 2nd party stuff, because they'll be pumping out titles all year long.

Within the first six months of this year, SCE only released GT5 Prologue. Within the first six months of next year, they'll be releasing AT LEAST Killzone 2, White Knight Chronicles, and InFamous. Who knows what PSN titles or other stuff they have in the works. And all three of these titles will likely break a million when all is said and done (Killzone will likely sell closer to 3 million, if not even higher).

The last few years Sony's been pumping tons of money into SCEWWS with little return (for every release like Uncharted, there were two more games they were funding, like Killzone or Siren). This year, a large number of those games are finally getting released.

Nice. And what's also nice is that alot of the games they have been throwing money into are finally getting close to release. I'm trying my best to pick up all the software that I think is cool

4 ≈ One

Only you didnt note they have lost BILLIONS on the PS3 hardware!

360 will outsell PS3 YTD for 2008. (CHECK!)
360 will have the best showing at E3 & TGS in 2009
2009 will be another year for the 360 over PS3
End OF 2009 SALES :: 360 - 40M;  PS3 - 30M; Wii - 70M

masterb8tr said:
Sony shows no sign of wanting to pull out of the gaming market. Sure they slashed 8000 jobs, but notice that the gaming section were not affected.

And btw a company doesnt need to have the best selling console in order to make money.


That is true but is it the case with the PS3? No it isn't.