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The number of first and second party releases hitting next year will earn them even greater revenue. A much larger percentage of their software sold next year will be 1st and 2nd party stuff, because they'll be pumping out titles all year long.

Within the first six months of this year, SCE only released GT5 Prologue. Within the first six months of next year, they'll be releasing AT LEAST Killzone 2, White Knight Chronicles, and InFamous. Who knows what PSN titles or other stuff they have in the works. And all three of these titles will likely break a million when all is said and done (Killzone will likely sell closer to 3 million, if not even higher).

The last few years Sony's been pumping tons of money into SCEWWS with little return (for every release like Uncharted, there were two more games they were funding, like Killzone or Siren). This year, a large number of those games are finally getting released.