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Forums - Sony Discussion - Sony’s Home 3D World Already Turning To Sex

Seraphic_Sixaxis said:
axumblade said:
FishyJoe said:
The difference is that if someone gets harassed here and reports it, I can guarantee it will be dealt with IMMEDIATELY. Every mod here will not hesitate to drop the ban hammer.

It's my experience that female gamers have a tendency to just get used to it. The guys here aren't horny about it, it seems more like they're amazed that there is a girl who is into gaming on the site.

My best friend is a prime example. She's really attractive and because she is obsessed with video games, she gets harrassed by the BIGGEST losers I've ever met. I have asked her "Why don't you just tell them to fcuk off?" and she's got like 6 people that live around here that won't leave her the hell alone, and she's pretty much just said that she's just used to it and normally they give up after a few months and eventually work their way into just being friends..minus the creepy stalkerdom and the "she's mine!" mentality.


Axum man...thats disturbing. >_>


I know exactly what he's talking about. When there is a chick who likes gaming who is even found to be remotely attractive she has like 10 nerds tracking behind her like blood hounds.

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axumblade said:
Seraphic_Sixaxis said:
axumblade said:
FishyJoe said:
The difference is that if someone gets harassed here and reports it, I can guarantee it will be dealt with IMMEDIATELY. Every mod here will not hesitate to drop the ban hammer.

It's my experience that female gamers have a tendency to just get used to it. The guys here aren't horny about it, it seems more like they're amazed that there is a girl who is into gaming on the site.

My best friend is a prime example. She's really attractive and because she is obsessed with video games, she gets harrassed by the BIGGEST losers I've ever met. I have asked her "Why don't you just tell them to fcuk off?" and she's got like 6 people that live around here that won't leave her the hell alone, and she's pretty much just said that she's just used to it and normally they give up after a few months and eventually work their way into just being friends..minus the creepy stalkerdom and the "she's mine!" mentality.


Axum man...thats disturbing. >_>

*shrugs* They're harmless. Otherwise, I'd be kicking some ass. She normally likes being their friend but she gets annoyed when they develop crushes and start acting weird around her.

It's normally dumb things like one of the people that likes her got dropped below another person that likes her on Myspace and suddenly he thinks she "hates him." Or, she'll say "I'm busy today." and they'll pretend she said she'd hang out with them and start texting her saying "Are we still on for today?" It's stuff like that. nothing like showing up to her house unexpectedly or threatening to end their lives or anything that extreme.


I know of ur case all too well.

axumblade said:
Seraphic_Sixaxis said:
axumblade said:
FishyJoe said:
The difference is that if someone gets harassed here and reports it, I can guarantee it will be dealt with IMMEDIATELY. Every mod here will not hesitate to drop the ban hammer.

It's my experience that female gamers have a tendency to just get used to it. The guys here aren't horny about it, it seems more like they're amazed that there is a girl who is into gaming on the site.

My best friend is a prime example. She's really attractive and because she is obsessed with video games, she gets harrassed by the BIGGEST losers I've ever met. I have asked her "Why don't you just tell them to fcuk off?" and she's got like 6 people that live around here that won't leave her the hell alone, and she's pretty much just said that she's just used to it and normally they give up after a few months and eventually work their way into just being friends..minus the creepy stalkerdom and the "she's mine!" mentality.


Axum man...thats disturbing. >_>

*shrugs* They're harmless. Otherwise, I'd be kicking some ass. She normally likes being their friend but she gets annoyed when they develop crushes and start acting weird around her.

It's normally dumb things like one of the people that likes her got dropped below another person that likes her on Myspace and suddenly he thinks she "hates him." Or, she'll say "I'm busy today." and they'll pretend she said she'd hang out with them and start texting her saying "Are we still on for today?" It's stuff like that. nothing like showing up to her house unexpectedly or threatening to end their lives or anything that extreme.

Mm... thats eh.. Equally as disturbing...


For some reason when we think of online sex we always fear pedophiles who could be trying to seduce children online. That is the scary reality of this twisted world we live in. Better to be safe than sorry. One child becomes victim off an online predator is one too many and Sony needs to stamp this out and has a duty of care to police the HOME network. Tighter controls will be implemented and police on stand by to pounce on potential offenders by posing as children.

Lets be serious here...
Pretending to be a girl and annoying girls are the only moderately entertaining experiences to be had in Home :P

Around the Network
--OkeyDokey-- said:
Lets be serious here...
Pretending to be a girl and annoying girls are the only moderately entertaining experiences to be had in Home :P

It still seems so pathetic. When I saw the video, I imagined (at least) 10 guys just sitting at home with nothing better to do than to express their extreme horny-ness by pressing a button to make their virtual selves dance around a virtual woman who is probably just a fat man with not much better to do... Idk. Maybe it's just me.

Home is silly.

meh, some of these people to need get real lives and live. It is a shame you get loosers ruining it, however not unexpected.



OMG.. i can totally see nintendo justifying their "friend code" system thru this incident

Doubt is not a pleasant condition, but certainty is absurd.

owner of : atari 2600, commodore 64, NES,gameboy,atari lynx, genesis, saturn,neogeo,DC,PS2,GC,X360, Wii

5 THINGS I'd like to see before i knock out:

a. a AAA 3D sonic title

b. a nintendo developed game that has a "M rating"

c. redesgined PS controller

d. SEGA back in the console business

e. M$ out of the OS business

Incandescence said:
It was inevitable.


Check out my game about moles ^