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Seraphic_Sixaxis said:
axumblade said:
FishyJoe said:
The difference is that if someone gets harassed here and reports it, I can guarantee it will be dealt with IMMEDIATELY. Every mod here will not hesitate to drop the ban hammer.

It's my experience that female gamers have a tendency to just get used to it. The guys here aren't horny about it, it seems more like they're amazed that there is a girl who is into gaming on the site.

My best friend is a prime example. She's really attractive and because she is obsessed with video games, she gets harrassed by the BIGGEST losers I've ever met. I have asked her "Why don't you just tell them to fcuk off?" and she's got like 6 people that live around here that won't leave her the hell alone, and she's pretty much just said that she's just used to it and normally they give up after a few months and eventually work their way into just being friends..minus the creepy stalkerdom and the "she's mine!" mentality.


Axum man...thats disturbing. >_>


I know exactly what he's talking about. When there is a chick who likes gaming who is even found to be remotely attractive she has like 10 nerds tracking behind her like blood hounds.