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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - Microsoft Cleanup Hitter for 2009 will be.....

selnor said:
Munkeh111 said:
selnor said:
Asmo said:

You guys know that Bioware is now owned by EA so if there is Mass Effect 2 it may probably be multi-platform?


 LOL. So Bioware are gonna rework an engine that took them 3 years to originally optimize the 360 version. Just to get number 2 out on PS3? Also you have to play number 1 to understand anything, as the second kicks right from where it left. You can also use your previous character with all level ups in the second game. There is imo a 1% chance ME 2 will come to PS3.

On top of that, M$ own the rights to the first game so there is no chance of PS3 owners ever playing that one unless they buy a 360.

The question is whether M$ payed for exclusivity beyond the first game. I would assume there is some sort of timed contract in place, so I think it will come to the PS3 eventually. Also, they did not exactly get the game working perfectly did they, and we all know EA have no problem releasing a poor port, even if they have to get an EA team to do it, ME 2 will come to the PS3, but it should still be timed exclusive

I am pretty damn certain 99% that ME2 will never go to PS3. Even if M$ have to pay to never make that happen. ME is to important to 360 and M$ arent stupid.


Well the question is do M$ have any sort of arrangement, because short of UE 3 PS3 troubles EA will be very happy to bring out the game on PS3. The thing is that it is being done by the same team at Bioware, so the port will have to be handled by EA, so likely very shoddy. I think EA are very unlikely to let M$ buy it unless they play tons

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Bioshock II & Assassins Creed II coming next year...

Maybe a new Crackdown, new Rare title (new Perfect Dark), etc... it could be anything.

Also expecting 360 "slim" to be launched next year.

Gesta Non Verba

Nocturnal is helping companies get cheaper game ratings in Australia:

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Wii code: 2263 4706 2910 1099

Bioshock 2 wont be exclusive, it was announced in the PS3 version of 1

Comrade Tovya said:
Munkeh111 said:
Comrade Tovya said:
Munkeh111 said:
Comrade Tovya said:
Kind of off the subject, but I do get a kick out of people who still write MS as "M$". The 360 has the cheapest system now and they are still getting disrespected... Isn't $ony a little more appropriate for Sony and their $400 entry level system?

I always thought it was because they have a lot of money and like splashing their cash around, by buying exclusives and paying tons for advertising, and I would assume they are loosing money on each console they sell now?

So if you have a lot of money and therefore market your product well, make it the cheapest on the market, bring exclusives to your console, and buy out successful software developers to improve the quality of your product, that somehow makes you greedy?  And if you are correct, and they are losing money, then how can you be considered "greedy" for still charging less for that same product than the competition?

I've always thought greed was associated with charging too much for your console and not justifying the purchase with quality exclusives, marketing, etc.?

Well they are greedy in that they want to destroy Sony, and they know in the long term they can make huge amounts of money, they just need to establish the brand.... I never said they were greedy anyway. Calling them M$ also frees up MS for MotorStorm


That's not greed, that's free market capitalism.  Sony could do the same thing, but they have still convinced themselves that there actually is a "10-year plan" for the PS3.  It's no ones fault but Sony that they made the wrong choice, and MS & Nintendo were smart this generation.

No one said that it was a system requiring to make sense...

flames_of - "I think you're confusing Bush with Chuck Norris."

 Wii: 80-85 Million end of 2009 (1.1.09)

alan wake. best looking console game this gen. Mass Effect 2 will be good too :)

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selnor said:
Munkeh111 said:
selnor said:
Asmo said:

You guys know that Bioware is now owned by EA so if there is Mass Effect 2 it may probably be multi-platform?


 LOL. So Bioware are gonna rework an engine that took them 3 years to originally optimize the 360 version. Just to get number 2 out on PS3? Also you have to play number 1 to understand anything, as the second kicks right from where it left. You can also use your previous character with all level ups in the second game. There is imo a 1% chance ME 2 will come to PS3.

On top of that, M$ own the rights to the first game so there is no chance of PS3 owners ever playing that one unless they buy a 360.

The question is whether M$ payed for exclusivity beyond the first game. I would assume there is some sort of timed contract in place, so I think it will come to the PS3 eventually. Also, they did not exactly get the game working perfectly did they, and we all know EA have no problem releasing a poor port, even if they have to get an EA team to do it, ME 2 will come to the PS3, but it should still be timed exclusive

I am pretty damn certain 99% that ME2 will never go to PS3. Even if M$ have to pay to never make that happen. ME is to important to 360 and M$ arent stupid.


You know if ME2 gets announced for Ps3 i'm gonna create a thread saying "MEGATON!" because you are really sounding like the ps3 fans said GTA4, FF13, DMC4 wouldn't go multi.


@Max King of the Wild

Mass Effect 2 going to the PS3 is highly unlikely. First Microsoft probably traded away the first games publishing rights on the PC to Electronic Arts to secure the trilogies exclusivity. Secondly I have neither scene or heard of Bioware hiring staff conversant with the Cell architecture. So there is no anecdotal evidence as to the possibility, and a great deal of anecdotal evidence to the contrary. Oh and Electronic Arts does have platform specific studios in case you were unaware.


Jet Force Gemini

To the mass market, having 2 games with Halo in the title is enough. That being said, I hope MS pulls another GoW2 type announcement early next year. Right now, their lineup looks solid, but unspectacular.

kungfusqurrel said:

if ps3 succumbs to dust, the 360 fans well finally get gt5 and all of ps3 titles, killzone 2 will be remade for 360, resistance will be remade also, everything that ps3 touched will be transformed into 360, omg that's kinda scary if i were sony, i mean everything that you build disappeared over night and you wondering huh wtf happened i thought my ps3 was the shitnitz. scary, real scary. a worst dream come true, unfortunately this dream can get very real. maybe ken foresaw this dream and quit early while ps3 was doing ok? LOL.


anyway forza 3 and viva pinata 4-5 is what i look forward to.

Has anyone else read this post and simply felt disappointed that they were literate?


pearljammer said:
kungfusqurrel said:

if ps3 succumbs to dust, the 360 fans well finally get gt5 and all of ps3 titles, killzone 2 will be remade for 360, resistance will be remade also, everything that ps3 touched will be transformed into 360, omg that's kinda scary if i were sony, i mean everything that you build disappeared over night and you wondering huh wtf happened i thought my ps3 was the shitnitz. scary, real scary. a worst dream come true, unfortunately this dream can get very real. maybe ken foresaw this dream and quit early while ps3 was doing ok? LOL.


anyway forza 3 and viva pinata 4-5 is what i look forward to.

Has anyone else read this post and simply felt disappointed that they were literate?



 wow... just wow.... you don't know how many times i pushed the "quote" button for that comment just to stare blankly at my screen not knowing what to post for a response you just typing up something just o read it what i wrote and it not making any sense at all just to delete it....

But you! you sum up my feelings pretty damn well