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selnor said:
Munkeh111 said:
selnor said:
Asmo said:

You guys know that Bioware is now owned by EA so if there is Mass Effect 2 it may probably be multi-platform?


 LOL. So Bioware are gonna rework an engine that took them 3 years to originally optimize the 360 version. Just to get number 2 out on PS3? Also you have to play number 1 to understand anything, as the second kicks right from where it left. You can also use your previous character with all level ups in the second game. There is imo a 1% chance ME 2 will come to PS3.

On top of that, M$ own the rights to the first game so there is no chance of PS3 owners ever playing that one unless they buy a 360.

The question is whether M$ payed for exclusivity beyond the first game. I would assume there is some sort of timed contract in place, so I think it will come to the PS3 eventually. Also, they did not exactly get the game working perfectly did they, and we all know EA have no problem releasing a poor port, even if they have to get an EA team to do it, ME 2 will come to the PS3, but it should still be timed exclusive

I am pretty damn certain 99% that ME2 will never go to PS3. Even if M$ have to pay to never make that happen. ME is to important to 360 and M$ arent stupid.


Well the question is do M$ have any sort of arrangement, because short of UE 3 PS3 troubles EA will be very happy to bring out the game on PS3. The thing is that it is being done by the same team at Bioware, so the port will have to be handled by EA, so likely very shoddy. I think EA are very unlikely to let M$ buy it unless they play tons