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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - Microsoft Cleanup Hitter for 2009 will be.....

For the past 3 years, the xbox 360 always have a exclusive killer app to couter the PS3 with. Gears in 06, Halo 3 in 07, and Gears 2 in 08.

Next year we know a Halo 4 or a Gears of War won't happen. Yes I know about Halo Reacon or whatever it is call now, but that game is just an expansion pack and not the standalone blockbuster like Gears and Halo.

I know Micosoft will indeed announce something big within the next few months to counter the protential strong lineup of the PS3 (with God of War 3 and/or GT5).

Who would like to take a wild guess as to what it will be? Is it a new IP, a big third party franchise that Microsoft paid for? or will it really just be Halo Recon. I know the 360 will get all the major third paryy games, exclusive DLCs, but it really need a heavy hitter.

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i say it will be either "alan wake" or "killer instinct 3".





Mass Effect 2

Yep, i'm a girl

Doom 4 + Mass Effect 2.

I don't know but I think Mass Effect 2, Allan Wake, Killer Instinct, and maybe Forza 2 will not be able to match the hype or sales of GOW3, GT5, and Uncharted 2 when they are released.
I am just being realistic here.

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I expect MS will have a few new exclusive IPs for the fall that people do not know about yet.

Wait until E3. Microsoft always keeps their cards to themselves until a big show.

if ps3 succumbs to dust, the 360 fans well finally get gt5 and all of ps3 titles, killzone 2 will be remade for 360, resistance will be remade also, everything that ps3 touched will be transformed into 360, omg that's kinda scary if i were sony, i mean everything that you build disappeared over night and you wondering huh wtf happened i thought my ps3 was the shitnitz. scary, real scary. a worst dream come true, unfortunately this dream can get very real. maybe ken foresaw this dream and quit early while ps3 was doing ok? LOL.


anyway forza 3 and viva pinata 4-5 is what i look forward to.


a Mature rated Killer Instinct 3 would be nice

kungfusqurrel said:

if ps3 succumbs to dust, the 360 fans well finally get gt5 and all of ps3 titles, killzone 2 will be remade for 360, resistance will be remade also, everything that ps3 touched will be transformed into 360, omg that's kinda scary if i were sony, i mean everything that you build disappeared over night and you wondering huh wtf happened i thought my ps3 was the shitnitz. scary, real scary. a worst dream come true, unfortunately this dream can get very real. maybe ken foresaw this dream and quit early while ps3 was doing ok? LOL.


anyway forza 3 and viva pinata 4-5 is what i look forward to.


 So all of a sudden Sony ip will suddenly be made on the 360.

