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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Will you be satisfied with curent HD graphics after PS4/x720 wil come?

Kasz216 said:

I'm still happy with late PS1 era graphics... as long as i know that extra money saved on graphics was put to use on gameplay and other features.


Noooooo~~~ The PS1 had horrible graphics. The N64 had some good titles, but the PS1 made everything look like crap. Pixelated, brown and terribly low res. It was not even satisfying when the PS1 was released.

Half-life is the first title that I can go back and play without being terribly frustrated by the bad 3d. Everything better than that is good enough, really. I don't mind prettier graphics, but it doesn't add as much now as it did in the old days.

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I will state as before i will not be happy until we acheive Avalon. The faster we get processing power and graphics in, with developers skilled enouph to do it, the faster it will be acheived.

CURRENTLY PLAYING:  Warframe, Witcher 2

The steps to the next gen won't be as big as we have seen to this one. Developers simply can't keep up with the technology.
Most developers are already making huge losses, let alone if they have to add another 50 people to a team to make a AAA game.

Hopefully next gen will bring 60fps stable, 1080p and no loading times. If they can make that happen I don't need graphical improvement.

Well my favourite Graphics still tend to be Cell-Shaded, and to be honest last gen have reached the level of accepted graphics by the majority of people. I doubt next gen will see that much of an improvement because there is not much point.

Killergran said:
Kasz216 said:

I'm still happy with late PS1 era graphics... as long as i know that extra money saved on graphics was put to use on gameplay and other features.


Noooooo~~~ The PS1 had horrible graphics. The N64 had some good titles, but the PS1 made everything look like crap. Pixelated, brown and terribly low res. It was not even satisfying when the PS1 was released.

Half-life is the first title that I can go back and play without being terribly frustrated by the bad 3d. Everything better than that is good enough, really. I don't mind prettier graphics, but it doesn't add as much now as it did in the old days.

I coulda swore PS1 games had N64 level graphics towards the end.  Ok late N64 then.  Maybe early generation after.


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Usually its difficult to go back ...once the PS1 and the N64 were out it was difficult to go back and play Megadrive/Snes ,and the same happpened with Snes and Nes ....PS1 graphics felt horrible by the late PS2/Xbox/Cube generation.

But I have to say that going back to Cube/PS2/Xbox is not as appalling as in the generations before.Yes ,the graphics are much worse than current ones but are still palatable.I think 360/PS3 graphics will keep easy on the eyes for many years to come .

Im satisfied now, but three years from now when the Xbox 3 and The Elder Scrolls 5 are released with even more beautiful grafix than on CrazzyMans screenshots, then I dont be satisfied with "this gen HD" grafix anymore.

I'm very much looking forward to the Xbox 3 in Nov 2011 (and PS4 in Nov 2012).

Kasz216 said:
Killergran said:
Kasz216 said:

I'm still happy with late PS1 era graphics... as long as i know that extra money saved on graphics was put to use on gameplay and other features.


Noooooo~~~ The PS1 had horrible graphics. The N64 had some good titles, but the PS1 made everything look like crap. Pixelated, brown and terribly low res. It was not even satisfying when the PS1 was released.

Half-life is the first title that I can go back and play without being terribly frustrated by the bad 3d. Everything better than that is good enough, really. I don't mind prettier graphics, but it doesn't add as much now as it did in the old days.

I coulda swore PS1 games had N64 level graphics towards the end.  Ok late N64 then.  Maybe early generation after.



It did get better, yes. I just remember the PS1 graphics like this:

Game? Gran Turismo.

Another classic:

This one is Tekken :)

Of course, Tekken 3 looked like this:

Huge improvement.

This is invisible text!

Killergran said:

Game? Gran Turismo.

lol really? It looks like shit!





One_touch_KO said:
I'm not satisfied with this gen already. If the leap between ps2-ps3 was the same as Ps1 to ps2 we should have like real graphics now. That's why I moved towards the wii. Not so good graphics, but at least better experience.

sould edge(ps1)

soul calibur (dc)

soul caliber 3 (ps2)

soul caliber 4( 360,ps3)



looks like a pretty decent difference to me :) soul caliber3 was released when the ps2 hardware was 6 years betting soul caliber 5 is going to look even sweeter!


Virtua fighter(SAT):

virtua fighter 2 (sat/arc)


virtua fighter 3tb(dc):

Doubt is not a pleasant condition, but certainty is absurd.

owner of : atari 2600, commodore 64, NES,gameboy,atari lynx, genesis, saturn,neogeo,DC,PS2,GC,X360, Wii

5 THINGS I'd like to see before i knock out:

a. a AAA 3D sonic title

b. a nintendo developed game that has a "M rating"

c. redesgined PS controller

d. SEGA back in the console business

e. M$ out of the OS business