I'm not sure if this was talked about. beings I'm not going to re-read the thread.
Legend of Heroes: Trails in the Sky
I really loved, the dialogue is really really great. Probably my favorite dialogue in a videogame with FFIX.
The story and characters, follow JRPG tropes. But are all done really well.
The battle system is really fun though, it's too easy. I enjoyed it a lot. It's probably in my top 10 JRPG's. Even though it is quite derivative. The whole experience was charming and I didn't care so much about that.
Unfortunately it ends with a cliffhanger :-/, and the west will likely never see its sequal because it's on the PSP, and this didn't sell the way Xseed was hoping. Supposedly the sequal, is more epic and less linear, with like twice as much dialogue. Which I feel more dissapointed for :-/
The other game I played was Xenoblade, which is great. But, I didn't like it as much a lot of people on this site did. It's not my favorite JRPG this gen there's 3 or 4 on portables, I like better. And in my mind equivalent to some console RPG's that already were out previously. But nonetheless it was a great game.