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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - The 'Why I Love My 360' Thread - no negativity allowed

i love my 360 because i can play with my friends even when they are in their own home, or accross the country.

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I like my 360 because:

1) The more profit from the purchase stays in North America (More people should think about that with economic times we are in)

2) This generation new IP is solid. Mass Effect, Crackdown, Gears of War, BioShock, Viva Pinata, Kameo, Earth Defense 2017, Lost Odyssey, Blue Dragon, RockBand, etc.

3) The arcade retro library is solid. (I remember playing a lot of that stuff when it was new).

4) The continuation of last generation IPs is good. Halo, Forza, PGR, Devil May Cry, Guitar Hero, Ninja Gaiden, etc.

5) There is a complete mix of genres. RTS, RPG, JRPG, FPS, TPS, Puzzle, Arcade, Racing, Action, etc.

6) The media integration with Home Server is excellent.

7) Achievements are a nice touch to gaming. Although I am not an achievement whore, I do use them to guide me through games. When done right, they are like a game guide book, without the "how to".

8) XBox Live co-op and multiplayer is really well done... The in game chat and play, the stability of the play, and the lack of latency runs circles around other vendors.

9) Movie downloads through Live Marketplace keep me busy when I don't want to game.

10) Integration with messaging is a nice touch.

I come from hardcore PC gamer stock. I bought a 360 because I had a kid and didn't feel justified spending money on upgrading my PC anymore. (I refuse to play any PC game on any less than maximum settings, and that almost requires yearly upgrades.) So I bought my 360. I was shunned on the PC Gamer forums. My PC gamer friends were beside themselves. I was treated like a traitor, and also felt like one. Major buyer's remorse. In fact, I almost just took it right back to the store.

After two weeks I was hooked. The first game I got for my 360 was Mass Effect, and I couldn't get enough of it. I borrowed Bioshock from my friend next. I had already played through it on the PC, but I thought it might be nice to see the "other" ending. Surprisingly, Bioshock was more enjoyable for me on the 360 than the PC. I turned out all the lights, cranked up the surround sound, and just enjoyed the hell out of it. It was also my primer on how to play a shooter with a controller. (still not as good as k+m for shooters) Bioshock is definitely a game more suitable for a big screen, a dark room, and a surround sound system.

I went from there to games like Ninja Gaiden II, Tiger Woods 09 (a MUCH better experience with a controller than a mouse), etc. For me, the Xbox 360 is like having a gaming PC that I don't have to upgrade. The premium PC titles tend to also come out on the 360 and I don't have to keep upgrading to be able to play them. All my friends and relatives are on Xbox Live. Most of my friends don't game on their PCs, so it's nice to finally be able to play games with them online. It's just an all around immersive experience that I can enjoy from my couch instead of hunching over a computer monitor at my desk.

I can't believe I'm saying all these things. Just over a year ago, you would have heard me condemning console gamers and everything they stand for. I now realize I have been missing out on a lot of good stuff because i never considered consoles as an option.

Halo 3, Gears 2 along with the best 3rd party games in FPS, Racing, RPG & Sports genres, amazing LIVE online service, 95% of my console owning friends own a 360, the 360 controller is my favorite controller ever, I like the style of the console......pretty much, Xbox 360 perfectly fits my tastes.

(Predicted on 5/31/11) END of 2011 Sales - Xbox 360 = 62M;  PS3 = 59M;  Wii = 97M

I could write a poem, but I don't think I will.

Lets see, it got me back into FPS' after Half-Life/Counter Strike ruined them for me (because it was so awesome)...
HDMI - so beutiful for games, and it cleans up my DVD movies too. No more S-video cable for me!
-- on the note of movies, I don't need to mess around with a regular DVD remote, I like using the 360 controller much better, and finding easter eggs on DVDs is easier too!
The Controller! Its so comfortable, it is a vast improvement from XBOXs crap for crap designs (old and S style) I'm still impressed with it. I love the bumper buttons, that whole bumper trigger combo is soo much sweeter than the competition, I ven like it better that Gamecubes design, in the area.

The Games - in particular - Bioshock, Assault Heroes, Commando 3:WotB, PGR3, MKvsDC, Fable II, Mass Effect, Castle Crashers, Galaga Legions, and Prey

"Let justice be done though the heavens fall." - Jim Garrison

"Ask not your horse, if ye should ride into battle" - myself

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Oh yeah!

XBOX Live Arcade is sweet and really seems to be the best among the competitors as far as what games it offers. Wii has awesome VC with quality ports, but WiiWare is rather lacking in my opinion. Live Arcade, can sometimes be quirky on porting the classics (looks like devs need to put actual tie into it), but at times is spot on. Things on there Like TMNT Arcade, MK3, Galaga & Legions, Prince of Persia remake*particularrily, and Ikaruga make me feel that more very wonderful offerings can come in the days to come. Oh and Bionic Commando as well.

xna Creaters club is sweet and opens even more possibilities to development for this wonderful system. xna is REALLY unique and exciting. It's a real way to get smaller indie offerings out to the world in a real way. I have made my profile, hopefully I can find time during the day ot get of my ass and make som games.

"Let justice be done though the heavens fall." - Jim Garrison

"Ask not your horse, if ye should ride into battle" - myself

No waiting!!!

I wanted to play some Siren today, and the damn PS3 store forced me to update to 2.6 for some crappy photo gallery. I gave up and played Castle Crashers instead.


- A solid choice of RPGs (minus Eternal Sonata).
- I can't afford a high-end PC, thus I can get most PC games for the console instead. Need I also add some aren't available on PS3.
- Banjo-Kazooie: Nuts & Bolts.
- Controller "just feels right."
- The new Jasper model severly lowers the chances of the RROD from what I've read.
- Most planned PS3 exlcusives are now multi-plat on a cheaper console.

Member #50 of the Sonic Support Squad! :P

It has Tales of Vesperia.


GOTY Contestants this year: Dead Space 2, Dark Souls, Tales of Graces f. Everything else can suck it.

The library, and Xbox Live. I love shooters and multiplayer games, the 360's exclusives take care of that. And I love story driven games like Mass Effect. Most of my friends own 360's, and achievements are addicting, which is why I will buy most multiplats for the 360.