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I come from hardcore PC gamer stock. I bought a 360 because I had a kid and didn't feel justified spending money on upgrading my PC anymore. (I refuse to play any PC game on any less than maximum settings, and that almost requires yearly upgrades.) So I bought my 360. I was shunned on the PC Gamer forums. My PC gamer friends were beside themselves. I was treated like a traitor, and also felt like one. Major buyer's remorse. In fact, I almost just took it right back to the store.

After two weeks I was hooked. The first game I got for my 360 was Mass Effect, and I couldn't get enough of it. I borrowed Bioshock from my friend next. I had already played through it on the PC, but I thought it might be nice to see the "other" ending. Surprisingly, Bioshock was more enjoyable for me on the 360 than the PC. I turned out all the lights, cranked up the surround sound, and just enjoyed the hell out of it. It was also my primer on how to play a shooter with a controller. (still not as good as k+m for shooters) Bioshock is definitely a game more suitable for a big screen, a dark room, and a surround sound system.

I went from there to games like Ninja Gaiden II, Tiger Woods 09 (a MUCH better experience with a controller than a mouse), etc. For me, the Xbox 360 is like having a gaming PC that I don't have to upgrade. The premium PC titles tend to also come out on the 360 and I don't have to keep upgrading to be able to play them. All my friends and relatives are on Xbox Live. Most of my friends don't game on their PCs, so it's nice to finally be able to play games with them online. It's just an all around immersive experience that I can enjoy from my couch instead of hunching over a computer monitor at my desk.

I can't believe I'm saying all these things. Just over a year ago, you would have heard me condemning console gamers and everything they stand for. I now realize I have been missing out on a lot of good stuff because i never considered consoles as an option.